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All Dating and Relationship Articles

Do you think you may be self-sabotaging your relationships? To help you find out, we cover eight signs of self-sabotage when it comes to romantic relationships.
A Broken Heart

8 Signs You’re Self-Sabotaging Your Relationships

You’ve probably heard about the concept of self-sabotage when it comes to things like landing a job or achieving your goals. You know, when you let yourself get in the way of your own success?  Well, you might be surprised that self-sabotage can actually apply to your romantic relationships, too. You can inadvertently destroy or […]

Whether you’re currently in an interfaith relationship or are dating people with different beliefs, it’s helpful to understand how to navigate religious differences. Check out our tips for handling these types of relationships.

Can Interfaith Relationships Work? How to Handle Religious Differences

There are so many types of romantic partnerships out there, from introvert/extrovert to outdoors/indoorsy. Judging from the seemingly vast differences between some partners, it’s no wonder that opposites can attract.  But can people from two different religions or belief systems have a successful relationship?  Interfaith relationships might be some of the trickier ones to navigate, […]

If you’re going through a nasty breakup, then now is the perfect time to focus on ways to love yourself again. Follow our guide for 10 self-love tips to help get you on the right path.
A Broken Heart

10 Ways to Love Yourself Again After Ending a Relationship

Dealing with a break-up can be a doozy. After all, it can do a number on your self-confidence, making you doubt everything about yourself and even feel like you’ve lost a sense of yourself along the way.  Yes, getting out of a relationship and getting over a breakup can be tough, but it doesn’t have […]

Want to know what the best day for a first date is? We’ve got all the answers right here. Read on to find out the best day to date.

Data Reveals the Best Day to Date

So, you’ve met someone and want to plan a date. Maybe the venue or activity is top of mind or even the outfit you’ll wear to dress to impress. But have you ever stopped to think about the best day to date?  Tawkify thought about it, too. To get the deets on the best day […]

What's the secret to lasting love? Building and maintaining friendship in your romantic relationship is key!
From the Experts

The Importance of Building Friendship in Relationships

In the realm of romantic relationships, love and attraction often take center stage. However, there is an often-underestimated ingredient that holds equal importance: friendship. Building a strong foundation of friendship, mutual respect, and shared values is essential for long-term relationship success. In this article, we delve into the significance of friendship in romantic relationships and […]

Boost your confidence in dating and overcome insecurities whether you're going on a first date or exploring a relationship with someone new.

How to Build Confidence in Dating & Overcome Natural Insecurities

In the world of dating, confidence is the key that unlocks countless possibilities and leads to fulfilling connections. It’s an intangible quality that radiates from within, capturing attention and inviting genuine attraction. But confidence in dating isn’t an easy thing to develop and maintain, especially when it can feel like there’s so much at stake.  […]

Follow these crucial dating safety tips and find peace of mind.
From the Experts

12 Essential Dating Safety Tips for Online Daters

Modern dating in the digital age has made it easier than ever to connect with new people. However, it’s important to prioritize your safety and security when getting to know someone new. Whether you’re chatting virtually or planning to meet in person, these dating safety tips will help you navigate the world of online dating […]

Discover why confidence is attractive and more important than looks. Learn why humble confidence is key to success when it comes to dating.
Start Dating

Why Confidence is Attractive (& More Important than Looks)

I am quite sure we have all met an outwardly beautiful person, who became less attractive, in our opinion, if their personality was unpleasant, unkind, or toxic. Just as a person we hadn’t really noticed at first became alluring if they were charismatic and exuded confidence. Have you ever seen a handsome guy or girl […]

Asking yourself questions like, “Why am I not marriage material?” Or "how can I become marriage material?" Follow our guide for advice!

Are You Marriage Material? 8 Signs You Could Be

When it comes to dating, oftentimes, marriage is the end goal. But you don’t want to tie the knot with just anyone; it’s best to find someone who you consider marriage material.  What is marriage material anyway? It refers to the traits that make someone a viable match and a committed life partner. Someone who […]

What are the telltale signs of relationship trauma? Recognize and heal from the effects of an abusive partner.
A Broken Heart

11 Signs of Relationship Trauma (And What it Means)

Relationship trauma is a serious consequence of a toxic, unhealthy relationship. It refers to the physical and physiological effects that stem from being in a sexually, physically, or emotionally abusive relationship. In fact, the abuse can be so severe that it triggers relationship PTSD or post-traumatic relationship syndrome (PTRS). What causes this kind of relationship […]

What is written in the stars for your zodiac sign? Astrologer Rebecca Gordon answers your astrology and dating compatibility questions.

Astrology and Dating – Your Compatibility Questions Answered

Astrology and dating have been intertwined for centuries, with many people turning to the stars for guidance on love and compatibility. But with so much information out there, it can be overwhelming to sift through it all. That’s where astrologer Rebecca Gordon comes in. Here she answers your burning questions about love and compatibility based […]

Discover Jewish dating rules, customs, and traditions to follow in modern times, and the best way to find your bashert.

Modern Jewish Dating Rules, Customs & Traditions

Finding a bashert (soulmate) is a decisive part of a Jewish single’s life. While dating is taken lightly in so many cultures, Jewish dating is a matter of respecting oneself, one’s future partner, one’s family, and Jewish tradition as a whole.  Especially in Orthodox Jewish communities, dating isn’t supposed to be a mere pastime. From […]

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