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All Dating and Relationship Articles

If you want to know how to attract a man, read on to discover the secrets about what attracts men to women.

What Attracts a Man: 8 Secrets to Irresistible Appeal

Ever wondered how to capture the attention of your love interest? From batting an eye to wondering how to present yourself, it can be difficult to know how to attract a man.  But the rules of attraction don’t have to be complex. Want to know the not-so-secret secrets to landing a great guy? Read on […]

Tired of the dating apps and wanting to try something new? The pros and cons of matchmaking vs dating apps. Which is one right for you?
From the Experts

Matchmaking vs. Dating Apps. Which One Is Right for Me?

Matchmakers at Tawkify are not users of our platform, so from my own experiences and misadventures on dating apps, what I hear from my clients’ and friends’ past experiences, and my own day-to-day professional workflow, I have a relatively objective understanding of the pros and cons of both dating models. In this article, let’s talk […]

Learn what to do when you're dating someone who's not ready for a relationship and how to handle their lack of commitment gracefully.

They’re Not Ready for a Relationship. Now What?

A lot goes into finding a good match. Aside from getting the timing right and finding someone compatible with you, it’s important to determine if they’re ready to commit to the relationship. After all, there’s no sense in dating someone who just wants a casual fling when you’re itching to walk down the aisle together. […]

The internet is a fantastic tool for writing a thesis, but should it be used to compose a 15-page, pre-introduction memoir on a potential romantic interest’s life story?

5 Ways to Avoid the Cliff of Contemporary Dating

I have a friend who dates online… a lot. You could say she’s popular. She gets out again and again because she’s fabulous–which is obvious, even through a screen. Yet she arrives each time preloaded with every personal detail about her date–their hometown, full legal name, and family history–often even their annual income and whether […]

Like the archetypical couples who yearn for their long-lost other halves in the Symposium’s “Origin of Love” myth to use your bodies to meld parted souls back together.

GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU AM: “Love Again” by Run The Jewels

The other week, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who is a new father – we’ll call him Cronus – and we were talking about parental instinct. He lowered his voice conspiratorially, considered the infant in his lap and said, “Sometimes I love my baby so much that I want to […]

Did you know your best friend can be your soulmate? It’s true! In our guide, we explore both platonic soulmates and romantic friendships.

9 Signs Your Best Friend Is Actually Your Soulmate

In the world of love and dating, we often hear people talking about searching for their soulmate.  It seems we’re all on the lookout for that special someone who we’re destined to meet and fall in love with because they’re our perfect match.  However, many of us have started wondering whether soulmates have to be […]

Learn how to have a successful and harmonious relationship by understanding love language compatibility. Plus, get tips on navigating differences in love languages!

Love Language Compatibility: The Secret to Relationship Success

Do you and your partner express love in similar ways, or does it sometimes seem like you’re speaking a different language? Whether you’re on the same page or not in terms of communicating, discovering your love languages can be a great way to see if you have love language compatibility.  Read on to find out […]

What are the proper expectations to have while dating, if any at all? Crack the code of dating expectations with matchmaker insights!
From the Experts

Dating Expectations: A Guide to Balanced Relationships

There’s a ton of conflicting information out there about what we should expect in our dating endeavors. We’re also not merely grappling with what to expect, but whether we should even have expectations to begin with. In this epoch, caught somewhere between a sea of casual hooking up, a constant barrage of instant communication, and […]

The Do's & Don'ts of texting someone new. Matchmaker tips on how to build meaningful connections when dating.
From the Experts

Do’s and Dont’s of Texting a New Love Interest

Hey you! It’s Vince 🙂  So, you’ve met someone new, and you’re embracing modern tech by getting to know them better through text. The early stages of texting someone new can be thrilling, but they can also feel a bit nerve-wracking. We’ve got you covered with some texting tips about how to help you build […]

Are you entering the 40+ dating world? Matchmakers explain the advantages of dating after 40 and the do’s and don’ts so that you’re set up for success.
Late Start

Advantages of Dating After 40 According to Expert Matchmakers

Dating at any time of life is a journey. Whether you’re 20, 30, or 70, there are always highs and lows involved in the search for a partner. While there are many misconceptions about dating “later” in life, the truth of the matter is this: You can find romance no matter your age. Discover the […]

Finding unique date spots in Seattle can be tricky, but we’ve got you covered. Check out our favorite date ideas in Seattle just for you!
Date Night

Seattle Date Ideas: Fun and Unique Experiences for Two

Whether you’ve been dating someone for two weeks, two months, or two years, date night is important. After all, it’s a time you both dedicate to spending time together and enjoying each other’s company.  That said, it’s easy to get in a rut when it comes to coming up with date ideas in a city […]

Feel like you’re losing faith in love and dating? Follow along for matchmaker advice on regaining your hope in dating.

Losing Hope in Dating? Matchmaker Advice on How to Keep the Faith

We hear a lot about the power of faith and how it can contribute to success in our lives, but what exactly is it? How can you harness it yourself? And how does it relate to your love life? Faith, by definition, requires confidence and/or trust coupled with a belief that an outcome will occur […]

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