All Dating and Relationship Articles

Date Night

Ask Renée: Who Picks Up The Check?

I mentioned before that dating is an investment…and I think we should expand on that. We’re talking about the monetary element of this, but dating is also an investment of time, effort–an investment of oneself…

Should your soulmate be your “opposite”? Find out how to find your compatible partner right here.

Opposites Attract: Unveiling the Soulmates Connection

Whether you like rom-coms or not, there’s something to be said about the role they play in people’s perception of finding love. In your search for a partner, you’re probably wondering if soulmates exist, how to find a person that fits you, and if opposites really do attract.  Read on for our take on the […]

A Broken Heart

To Reject & Be Rejected

Rejection. At some point, we all have to dish it out–and we all have to take it. In matters of the heart, rejection is an even scarier monster. But why are we so afraid? Dr. Glenn Croston, author of “The Real Story of Risk,” attempts to answer this question in his recent article, The Thing We Fear More Than […]


Dating Industry Broadcast II

Methods of finding a partner have changed dramatically over the decades (and indeed centuries). If you’re worrying that this ‘new normal’ is only for those who grew up with a smartphone, remember – digital dating is just the latest evolutionary step…

Start Dating

Dating Instruction Roundup VII

Unconditional, radical acceptance of each other — regardless of what anyone else thinks — may create deeper intimacy than socially-constructed commitments…

Did you know your best friend can be your soulmate? It’s true! In our guide, we explore both platonic soulmates and romantic friendships.

9 Signs Your Best Friend Is Actually Your Soulmate

In the world of love and dating, we often hear people talking about searching for their soulmate.  It seems we’re all on the lookout for that special someone who we’re destined to meet and fall in love with because they’re our perfect match.  However, many of us have started wondering whether soulmates have to be […]


Dating Industry Broadcast I

The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast…


Ask Renée: Unwedded & Over 50

Isn’t it interesting that when someone has never been married and is over a certain age, we’re inclined to wonder “What’s wrong with you?” But when someone is divorced and a certain age, we typically don’t wonder the same thing…

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