All Dating and Relationship Articles


Dating Instruction Roundup VI

Because however exciting a new crush can be, making every effort to stay grounded is important too. In the early stages of a relationship, you can be at risk for “losing” yourself, and also for missing or dismissing cues (or warning signs) with implications to your potential long-term compatibility with this person…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: To Tell or Not To Tell

The relationship with your matchmaker is unlike any other in your life. There is trust, respect, camaraderie–yes. But, you are not friends in the traditional sense. You are working together to achieve a very serious and important goal…so what does that really look like…

A Broken Heart

Ask Renée: I’m Just Not Meeting People

Q: “My problem is not that I don’t encounter attractive people or individuals that catch my attention. My problem is that I’m shy and I don’t really know how to approach people I don’t know. Any suggestions?”—Katy R.

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup V

A 2013 Gallup Poll indicated that while most Americans hoped someday to marry–if they hadn’t already –as many as 25% had no interest in ever doing so, concluding that marriage’s popularity is…


Creating Space to Receive Love

The key is to notice and be aware of your internal sorting process, and at the same time, be courteous and grateful to the date for offering you these realizations. In this sense, there is never actually a “bad date” because they are all offering you very useful data and intel for your life and relationship creation process…

From the Experts

Kauai Through Local Eyes

Sometimes you learn the most about a destination because you let yourself be vulnerable and live enough in the moment to meet someone who can share a local perspective…


Why We Lose Interest In People Who Show Too Much Interest In Us

We’ve come to associate courting with a chase. We secretly enjoy the thrills and lows that come with love you have to fight to earn. It makes us feel like we’re getting something worth our efforts. We need to know that there is value in something before we can invest in it…

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