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30+ Bible Verses, Quotes About Relationships

The Bible is an inexhaustible collection of wisdom, the true foundation of so many of the cultural values in our world. Relationships are no exception. In what follows, we’ll share some of the overflowing insight the Bible provides about relationships. Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of romance, friendships, or yourself, these Bible verses […]


Dating as a Christian—A Complete Guide

Because there are so many different sects of Christianity and degrees to which Christians practice the faith, the subject of dating as a Christian can bring up a lot of questions. For example, how do you find a partner who shares your beliefs? How do you remain true to your faith while searching for a […]


Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume III

There is a profound authenticity to meeting someone as you are – as they are – for the first time – especially when you least expect it. In that moment you are discovering another person, figuring out in realtime who they are and – if you’re lucky – sensing that mysterious alchemy of burgeoning interest, maybe attraction…


Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume II

Attraction is surely a fickle beast, but science has proven that intelligence attracts– and humor implies intelligence. Geoffrey Miller and Dr. Gil Greengross’s recent paper on the importance of humor in mating, asserts that humor is indeed an indicator of mate quality and mental fitness…


Should You Pursue a Person…or a Relationship?

When going out into the world (or, more often, the internet) to seek love and companionship, most of us decide to date someone based on how they make us feel, or based on attributes we seek in someone else. Most of us don’t think about the relationship we want. We think about the person we […]

Don’t get caught in a text trap! Read our expert tips on avoiding a textationship and propelling your text relationship out of the digital sphere.

How to Avoid a “Textationship” (aka The Text Trap)

You meet someone new, exchange numbers, and then the conversation starts. This is how modern meet-cutes happen, whether you first connect through a dating app, over social media, through a friend, or during a night out on the town. Swapping numbers with someone you’re interested in is a great way to get the ball rolling, […]

Want to have less stress and more dating success? We have the best tips for dating mindfully right here.

8 Best Tips to Date Mindfully in 2024

The path to finding love isn’t always a straight line—it often has many turns and road bumps along the way. While this is a shared experience among daters everywhere, it can still feel frustrating. If you’ve been on the search for a partner for a while and you feel like your dating expectations aren’t being […]

Don’t wait for love to find you—say it, believe it, and go get it! Use these steps to manifest your dream partner and get on the path to finding love.

7 Ways to Manifest Your Dream Partner (2024)

Navigating the world of dating can be exciting, eye-opening, and full of special moments with special people. But there can also be times of frustration, especially when you feel that the people you meet aren’t quite hitting the mark. Sometimes these dating speed bumps can keep you from continuing to put yourself out there. But […]


The 3 Sexiest Words Anyone Can Say

When the Good Men Project published The Sexiest 3 Words a Man Can Say to a Woman it stirred up some buzz. Newly minted Heartalytics contributor, Christine Hart, picked up the beat over a radio show and shares her take on the story…


Let It Go: A Guided Meditation

Whether you’re a beginner or pro-level meditation junkie, I’ve put together a “Let It Go” guided meditation for you to practice the calming effects of moving into a true state of surrender…

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