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All Dating and Relationship Articles

From the Experts

What Women Really Want

Don’t worry, this is not a bait-and-switch headline. I’m going to tell you what women really want. And men too, while we’re at it. I’m writing on behalf of a matchmaking company, after all. Lean in. What women (and men) really want is…

Late Start

A Simple, Down To Earth Love

Our love is not ballads And love notes and sonnets: Our love is what we choose every morningWhen you kiss my forehead before work. Our love is an endless array of dinners I make for you, waiting for you to come homeFrom work. Or the meals we make together. We indulge in this lovely Domesticity with each other. Feeding each other, body, […]


The Best Advice I Can Give You

This week I’m going to keep it short, but sweet.  I’m often asked for dating tips and pointers–no matter the exact topic of discussion the “meat” of my return message seems to boil down to one thing…


The Heart Beat: To Date or To Wait

Should the cooling off period vary relative to the length of the relationship, or the severity or trauma of the break up — or is everyone different, and there’s just no empirical way to know how long one should wait…


To Be Zen

You gorgeous man You sunset, You dream. You paint a landscape imageAcross the long blank space of my mind I meditate on you, daily. A calming practice Renewing me. Radha Kistler Author of Heartalytics series–Matchmaker Musings


Fire Girl

She slept on the kitchen floor.  Eyes tear-streaked, her eyeliner and mascara smudged around her eyes. Her hands were dirty, and her arms, though skinny, were well muscled, as though she’s seen some hard work. There was something interesting about her face that made me linger longer than necessary–considering the reason I had come into the kitchen in the first place, due to the alarmingly loud beeping from the smoke detector. I found the cause of the wailing: the stove was on, and a dishrag near the stove had caught fire. What the in the Hell…? Stepping over the figure, I quickly put out the fire and squinted at the microwave, shivering in only my boxers. 5:30am. On a Sunday. Wonderful…


The Gift Of Time

This year, I want to give you The gift of more time. I want your arms around me As we gaze at the sea…


Delist Your Love Life

There is a common myth frequently harbored by those seeking love: it’s dangerous, it’s misleading, and it masquerades itself as discernment. This article is for every one of you who’ve declared: “I know what I want.” Well…no, you don’t…


Offline Dating

Watch Tom try to find a date… offline.  Life is a social game, yet today, personal contact is shared most commonly through virtual means. The screen of a phone, tablet or computer are the secretaries of our personal lives. Directed by Samuel Abrahams, the short documentary “Offline Dating” is a refreshing look at relationships from the outside of the virtual world, told through the story of one brave soul trying to find a date the old-fashioned way…


In Simplistic Terms

I want the Bay Area again.  I want black coffee And your arms around me. I want us drunk on dark beer Or red wine and fresh bread…


The Origins of Hookup Culture

Last week, The Washington Post featured an article by John Birger discussing the prevailing culture of casual hook ups and its present-day mascot–Tinder. According to Birger, the sexualized dating culture is symptomatic of shifting demographics among college graduates. This supply-and-demand explanation only paints a partial picture, however. A deeper dive into American demographic data renders this “dating crisis” increasingly unnerving…

From the Experts

What To (not) Tawk About

Since we specialize in first dates, our matchmakers are often asked for appropriate date icebreakers.  We curate blind date experiences that we plan and book for our matches. Suddenly face-to-face with a potential new love interest, new clients struggle a little bit for “safe” topics and tried-and-true conversation starters. What should or shouldn’t they say?…

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