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All Dating and Relationship Articles

From the Experts

What To Tawk About

EPISODE II OF THE WHAT TO TAWK ABOUT SERIES. CATCH UP ON EPISODE 1 HERE.  So what SHOULD you talk about?  Everything else! The best relationships begin with a conversation–a two-way conversation. They unfold naturally, organically, as two people introduce their best selves to one another, discovering along the way, and hopefully developing an appreciation for who that other person actually is.  (Which is why the very idea of “choosing” a potential mate from a photograph or basic profile is so wholly ineffective.) Good date conversation starters can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”, but are open-ended, with the power to spark a conversation that might last for hours. Some examples…


Yeah, We’ve Got Some Questions.

We’ve decided to take you along a couple of times a week–with pieces inspired by the wacky, inspiring, confusing, and inspirational stuff we trip over –because we want to  see what you think. Each piece will end with a question, because the topic in question has got us itching to continue the conversation. So, please, jump in. As we like to say during our clients’ post-date-feedback, “there is no such thing as TMI” when you’re working with a personal matchmaker, so don’t be afraid to tell us what you really think. Perhaps you’ll inspire additional research, or maybe a survey to query the learned and delightfully opinionated folks in our database for their take, and maybe a follow-up article or two right here on the blog…


Question of the Day: Tinder. The Hook-up Culture. Thoughts? Anyone?

Last month, CNN published an article entitled: “Has Tinder Replaced Dating with Hookup Culture?” Feel free to read it all the way through, but mostly it’s one commentator’s perspective on “hook-up culture” in general. For instance, one fellow referenced is named Alex, a guy who works on Wall Street (naturally) who is able to have sex with as many as 100 women a month thanks to app-enabled dating…

From the Experts

The Heart Beat: Dating to Marry

This week, a reporter for a national magazine rung us up to ask how a gal could know if her fella is “marriage material.” They’re looking for specific “signs” that a boyfriend might be a keeper, and wondered how we might advise a client asking this type of question. Our matchmakers, as you can imagine, had plenty of answers for her. But it got me to thinking–because of course nothing is simple when it comes to people’s love lives–that maybe this wasn’t the right question. Or rather, that this simple question stirred up other questions that feel more fundamental and somehow important, like, “why do people date in the first place?” or, asked another way, “is it correct to assume that everyone dating hopes it will lead to marriage?”

A Broken Heart

A Eulogy for Things Not Meant to Be

She once told me it was the sweet innocence of it all that welcomed her in; but in the end, I think it was its wrongness that made her keep fighting long after she should have let go. She enjoyed playing with the complexities of life in that way. You see, even as pups, wolves should never be turned into pets–they just aren’t meant to lead a domesticated life. But when she came across that small creature on her property, barely two weeks old, three pounds, and abandoned–she was a goner. Things changed irrefutably in that instant, for her, and for everyone in her life. I guess that’s why we’re here today…


You May Be a Love Addict if…

Most human beings thrive in connected, intimate relationships – of course – but some folks seem to need to be in a romantic relationship more than others. Of course all people feel lonely from time to time — sometimes even in the midst of a relationship — this is part of the human condition. However, some report feeling “empty” until they have a boyfriend or girlfriend, as though they are incomplete if not partnered. They find themselves unable to be happy on their own.  Can you relate to this feeling?

From the Experts

Welcome To Heartalytics

Tawkify has officially entered the blogosphere. On a daily basis, our talented team shares incredible stories from the front lines of our work as weavers of love: invaluable insights about sticky relationship issues, our treasured clients and the nuanced art and science we practice known as Matchmaking. What emerges around our water cooler is a tableau of contemporary dating culture that’s begging to be shared. So I am pleased to be able to share it with you through our new blog, Heartalytics.

From the Experts

Got To Believe In Something: “Something” by The Beatles/James Brown

I’ve always loved love songs. They make magic. They affirm belief in fate. They outline a divine plan that guides our love lives, pushing us through the wrong relationships and inexorably toward the arms of “the one.” Love songs accept love at first sight as a fact (I’m not sold on this particular theme). Regardless, they give us hope. That’s what gives them power. My “love song” story is about the first time I saw a photography student whose name isn’t really Thomas. I was a freshman in college, at a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show…

From the Experts

The Origin Story, NYC

Gotham. Metropolis. NYC. The super-dater who chooses this city has great responsibility ahead of him or her. There’s never a dull moment and a “date” can happen anywhere; standing on a corner in the east village or sitting next to someone on the subway. Fair warning, there will be trials and you may have to jump a few rooftops before you find your dazzling someone. New Yorkers have to be savvy. It takes the strength and stamina of a superhero to make it here. So come on Batman, let’s go find your Batgirl, Robin, Poison Ivy or…whoever it is you’re looking for…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: She’s Paleo, You’re A Vegan.

Dear Matchmakers: I’m in love with a woman who follows a paleo diet, but I’m a 80-10-10 low-fat raw vegan/fruitarian, so we have fruits and vegetables in common for food. We’ve talked about having children; she says we’d have to decide on the best diet between us for feeding our future kids, but I don’t think she’ll side with mine, and I won’t side with her diet. We’ve also both stated that we didn’t think the other was our first priority type, but I’ve come to love her anyway, and she says she possibly could fall for me in the future, but in the mean time she’s going to look for her first type, and if she doesn’t find him, she knows she can come back to me. What do we do to resolve this situation? – Magician type Changer


Wayfaring Dater: Dallas

Strap on your boots and pull out your high intensity hairspray–we’re tackling dating in the big ‘D’!  Dallas has a great sense of appreciation for different cultures and the arts. If you have a pioneering spirit and you like the heat, this is your city. Don’t shy away from looking for a two-step partner to step out with here. Even though Texas is riddled with stereotypical types, there really is someone for everyone here; it’s not all gun-strapping men and busty blondes…

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