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Should You Be Alone Under The Mistletoe?

Team TawkifyTeam Tawkify
Team Tawkify
(Updated )
2 min read

We can’t believe Thanksgiving is already in our rearview mirror and  New Year’s is looming brightly ahead. More like deer in headlights-style than lights glistening on a tree with so much to do right now, honestly… but we digress! The next few weeks are going to be jam-packed for all of us at Tawkify, and probably all of you with holiday prep, to-dos, travel and of course, the inevitable holiday gatherings, (work and personal,) and dinner parties.

On the one hand, this provides you with all sorts of fun and festive things to do. If you’re a dater, or in a newish relationship, the holiday social circuit poses a certain dilemma: To bring the new guy/gal or not to bring. Should you bring a plus one who isn’t your regular squeeze or committed partner to “your” holiday events?

Doing so can be a great test, when you think about it. Will they drink too much punch, embarrass you in front of your boss/aunt/neighbor? Or will they make you look better, even, than you already are, enhancing your cachet with those you long to impress?

If you take a leap and invite your new heartthrob, at least the occasion won’t be your “typical” kind of date, which could add a spicy new element of fun to your courtship this time of year. Usually, you get to wear something you normally wouldn’t, and connect with important people in your life in a new way… which means that you and your love interest can also see each other in new ways.

Sure beats the same old dinner and a movie routine, right? Plus, if you’re around people you know, it can put you in a more relaxed mood; and enable you to interact with and enjoy your date in a new way.  

Assuming your new guy or gal doesn’t end up in the punch bowl or smooching your supervisor under the mistletoe, what’s the downside, really? The challenge can be that individuals tend to be more sentimental around the holiday season. So, if the event has a lot of your family or close friends around, they might put more pressure on you and your date to be more “together” than you’re ready for. Whether it’s with unwanted questions or uncomfortable giddy stares, even well-meaning folks can needle you and your new interest in an uncomfortable way… especially if it’s only your first or second date.

So, all things considered… should you or shouldn’t you subject a nascent connection to your holiday social merry-go-round?  And if you do, are there any tips to avoid potential pitfalls?

Jingle in, would you?


Team Tawkify

Photograph of Norma Shearer by MGM Studios

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