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All Dating and Relationship Articles

Date Night

Matchmaker Says: Cut The Small Talk

Are you tired of talking about the weather? Boston based Matchmaker, Kenzie, reached out to the whole Tawkify team after reading this New York Times article about asking bigger questions on first dates. She was inspired by the notion of starting more profound conversations when getting to know a potential romantic partner, but also when meeting people for the first time in general. In her words…


Are You More Carrie Bradshaw or Bridget Jones?

Have you ever watched an episode of Sex And The City and thought, “Gosh! Carrie and I sure have a lot in common!” Perhaps in the last episode of Friends you caught, you felt akin to the charismatic Rachel Green. Or maybe, like the millions who watch Scandal, you feel a connection to the fierce Olivia […]


Are you more James Bond or Jerry Seinfeld?

After the success of the first What Kind of Dater Are You quiz – taken by over 500 unique visitors in the last week – we decided to create a quiz just for the gents as well. Discover which iconic bachelor you are most like with this fun quiz!  Enjoy! Team Tawkify


Love Science: 2 Traits of Lasting Love

Science says lasting relationships come down to 2 basic traits… Business Insider recently published an article based on the findings of Psychologist John Gottman’s 40-year study of relationships and marriage. Interestingly, this topic of study wasn’t widely examined until the 1970s when the rate of divorce suddenly spiked to unprecedented levels. Gottman was one of the early researchers in the field — culminating over four decades of research, experimentation and analysis. And if you asked him, Gottman would tell you that healthy relationships boil down to two essential traits…



Dear sir, It has been brought to our attention that you have encountered difficulties while navigating the San Francisco dating scene. You find the process deeply upsetting, confusing, and ultimately unknowable. Your efforts to increase intimacy in order to mitigate your overwhelming sense of loneliness have been met with seemingly insurmountable obstacles such as…

A Broken Heart

Are Your Love Blinders On?

Think about the past several relationships you’ve been in. Why did they end? Think back to the first time you met and the 2-3 dates that immediately followed. If you’re really honest with yourself, did you see any red flags? Ones that, unfortunately, you ignored? Why do we do this? Falling in love is a rush — but you are still you…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: Why I Love This Job

Two weeks ago Director of Tawkify Operations, Julia Armet, shared some of her from the trenches matchmaker secrets. We asked her what qualities made a matchmaker great, and she responded with: > “A great Matchmaker is persistent, accountable, communicative, compassionate, > nurturing, creative, and thrives under pressure.” This week, we thought you might like to hear directly from the talented group of love makers that embody these traits. We asked a couple of our matchmakers, “What do you love about this job?”… 

A Broken Heart

Friends Without Benefit

Toxic friends. Whether we want to admit it or not, all of us have had at least one. We have covered unhealthy romantic relationships before, but what about unhealthy platonic relationships? What are some of the indicators of an unhealthy friendship? LifeHack recently published a thorough list of indicators…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: Lisa Yanni Revealed

This week’s Matchmaker Says is all about the talented and beautiful Lisa Yanni! Last week, Lisa was featured in The Evening Tribune in an article authored by Jason Jordan, focused on unconventional careers. Like many of our matchmakers Lisa came to us from several (seemingly) unrelated fields–teaching and IT recruitment…


Does Tall, Dark, Handsome and Aloof sound about right?

If you find yourself continually attracted to emotionally unavailable types, check out, “We’ve got to stop procrastinating in unavailable relationships,” and tell us what you think. Why do we sometimes (or always) seek out relationships with people who exhibit clear signs they aren’t “available enough” for a relationship, and are most likely not going to give us what we want or need to be happy in a relationship?

A Broken Heart

Have you ever been GHOSTED?

“Ghosting is the process of ending a romantic (or platonic) relationship by cutting off, blocking, or ignoring your former partner’s attempts to contact you. Basically, when you’re ghosting someone, you’re ending a relationship without acknowledging, explaining, or informing your partner of your intentions.” Wow. Can there be enough words to convey how rude, tacky, immature, cowardly, potentially cruel and utterly ridiculous ghosting sounds?

A Broken Heart

Honesty Box: Your Worst First Date Ever

Part audition, part interview, part gauntlet. No one seems to be overly fond of the unavoidable first date. Of course, without it, there’d be no seconds, or thirds, or marriages or children. So that’s that. Unless you have a Tawkify Matchmaker to “go on” all of your potentially terrible first dates for you when they screen potential matches, you’re just stuck, we’re afraid. Besides the pressure of choosing the right place, wearing the right thing and talking about all the right stuff, what’s the big deal, anyway. Suffice it to say, first impressions are, indeed, quite lasting and our first date feedback loop definitely bears this out…

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