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All Dating and Relationship Articles


Dating Instruction Roundup VI

Because however exciting a new crush can be, making every effort to stay grounded is important too. In the early stages of a relationship, you can be at risk for “losing” yourself, and also for missing or dismissing cues (or warning signs) with implications to your potential long-term compatibility with this person…


Ask Renée: Unwedded & Over 50

Isn’t it interesting that when someone has never been married and is over a certain age, we’re inclined to wonder “What’s wrong with you?” But when someone is divorced and a certain age, we typically don’t wonder the same thing…


Dating Industry Broadcast I

The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: How To Be Single

Melody Kiersz, NYC Tawkify Matchmaker and Founder at Naked Wellness, circulated Mate-Seeking: The Science of Finding Your Best Partner out to the team last month on a hunch we would find it intriguing. There’s is a lot of “meat” to both Sean Braswel’s NPR story and Jeb Kinnison’s analysis of it that we thought the greater populace might benefit from…

A Broken Heart

Is It Right Or Is It Wrong?

Since we’re in the professional matchmaking business, we run into a lot of different people with interesting stories about their past relationships. Something that we try to remind them is it’s one thing to be in a relationship–it’s something else entirely to be in one that is right for them…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: If You’re Feeling Defeated

Let’s trust ourselves and turn our backs on those who don’t. Let’s breathe fire and magic together. Let’s burn your stupid fucking questionnaires and scorecards to ashes, and then let’s fly through the blustery wind together, brilliant and perfect and terrible. Let’s never live under that mountain again…


The Staggering Research On Choosing Mates

E. Jean Carroll occasionally drops a line to the team with a little inspiration or interesting tidbit of research. Aren’t we a lucky bunch?! Her last token to us was a collection of the latest research on all things amour. Enjoy…


Matchmaker Says: Be Open-Minded

Matchmaker Boon sent this video out to the team with the subject line: “Oh, the relevance.” We couldn’t agree more. Watch One Girl Design Her Perfect Guy, And Then Meet Him. It’s smart, playful and revelatory…


The Intricacies of Playing “Hard To Get”

We have been performing the cat and mouse act with potential mates for centuries. While many argue the art of being enigmatic and demur is attractive–do we really know that is true? Stanford PhD Jayson Jia, and his associates, embarked on a scientific expedition to determine whether this widely accepted dating practice was actually bona fide…


What Is “Manhood” To The Modern Man?

Manhood is loosely defined. The simple definition pinpoints qualities such as strength and courage as indicators of manhood. But…are we discussing a strong physical body or strength of character? Courage in the face of environmental danger or emotional grit…

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