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All Dating and Relationship Articles


Matchmaker Says: What is Love?

This week’s question: What is Love? What does it feel like? Matchmaker Melody says: > Wow… I think philosophers, psychologists, theologians and researchers of all > kinds have been grappling with this one for thousands of years…


Matchmaker Says: Judge Not

Matchmaker Cynthia shared this story with the team about her client, D.C., last week and we felt it contained a valuable lesson for all those undergoing the processes of dating…


Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest

But wouldn’t encouraging men to embrace the full range of their humanity benefit women? Why do we continue to limit the emotional lives of males when it serves no one?


“Casual Dating” Exposed

Dating with no intent to marry is like going to the grocery store with no money. You either leave unhappy or take something that isn’t yours…


Dating Instruction Roundup IV

They found that women generally felt more connected if a man took active interest in their conversation, by focusing on her and chiming in to ask questions about what she was saying – interrupting, but in a good way. Women also liked it when men laughed right after they did, and when they said complimentary things. Men, on the other hand…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: The May-December Romance

These tidbits of insight usually end up being funny and informative- and everyone can benefit from a little extra matchmaker expertise! You can find this series tagged as “Matchmaker Says,” if you would like to read more. A recent reader came to us with a topic that films, books and researchers have examined for decades – […]


Partridge in a “Pair” Tree

We’re keeping it short this week because, let’s be honest, everyone is exhausted from all the parties, food and holiday spirit. We stumbled upon this photo and it immediately made us think about duos- in all their forms. Humanity craves the pair…

A Broken Heart

Does Healthy Dating lead to Healthy Unions?

Recently, Huffington Post published, “20 Secrets of Happily Married Couples.” We liked the oft-shared pearls of wisdom from all sorts of people in committed relationships: * Never go to bed angry (of course, we’ve got mixed-research on this one.) * Never lose your sense of humor (assuming you had one in the first place)…

A Broken Heart

Dating Tangentials

Do you ever feel like a part of the reason why dating has not worked for you in the past is because, well, you don’t really like dating…? I’m specifically referencing cookie-cutter dating – and let’s be honest the average person has been on too many dinner dates to count on 3 hands. So why not shake it up? This is an element of Tawkify I dearly love – our date designs. A Philly client recently met his match for a salsa dancing class at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  We’ve sent clients out to burlesque shows, pop-up art exhibits and festivals. And, why not?!  While someone doing all the hard work for you is GLORIOUS – you can also resolve to date differently on your own…


The Heart Beat: Antidote to Online Dating

Does it shock you to learn that an estimated 85% of online dating profiles are inaccurate? If you’ve been dating online, probably not.  If you haven’t, it probably makes you wonder – yet again – why so many people trust their love lives to the impersonal, unpredictable algorithms of cyberspace social. If it’s hard to “judge a person by a profile” in the first place, and most people are lying in the profiles or posting 10-year old photos on top of that, then… what’s the point, right? I don’t know of a single person (pun intended) on a dating site who hasn’t experienced that appallingly awkward moment when they approach their intended date-in-the-flesh for the first time, and realize…

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