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Dating Industry Broadcast I

Team TawkifyTeam Tawkify
Team Tawkify
(Updated )
4 min read

The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast.

The Dating Industry Broadcast series in inspired by The Staggering Research On Choosing Mates, in which Tawkify Co-Founder, E. Jean Carroll, collected the latest research on our trade and blasted it out to the whole team.

Enjoy the scoop!

DIGITAL TRENDS, Tinder Not Apologizing For Fake Celebrity Profiles, 6/25/2016:

In various Tinder ads, users have found that they matched with “verified” celebrities, only to learn that their right swipe led to a prompt to see a film or other project, but not the possibility of a date. Last year, the dating app rolled out verified profiles for “notable public figures, celebrities, and athletes,” but it won’t say how many (if any) of these famous folks are actually swiping… See full article at Digital Trends.

BLOOMBERG, Bank Of England Flirts With Dating Website Algorithms to Sort Housing Data, 7/27/2016:

The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street is seeking a stable marriage. That’s according to a staff blog posted Wednesday that shows the Bank of England is borrowing from online dating apps to help assess its numbers. While the central bank’s economists have access to more data than ever, they sometimes struggle to sort it. That’s where the tools of Internet romance come in: officials have been using algorithms more commonly used on dating sites to help decipher how the financial crisis affected the U.K. housing market… See full article at Bloomberg.

BUSINESS INSIDER, The founder of a popular dating app wants to see more people committing the ‘ultimate sin’ in romance, 6/30/2016:

In a recent interview on the Girlboss Radio podcast, Whitney Wolfe discussed what motivated her to found Bumble, a dating app where only women can initiate the first move. On Match.com only 18% of emails between straight women and straight men are initiated by women. In the most recent “Singles in America” survey, 90% of men said they’re comfortable with a woman asking them out. According to a recent OkCupid study, women who make the first move can wind up with more attractive partners than women who wait for men to ask them out. That’s because women generally message men who are five points more attractive than they are, while they typically receive messages from men who are seven points less attractive. There’s no clear psychological reason why women don’t initiate relationships with men more often. One potential explanation is evolutionary… See full article at Business Insider

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, Online Dating: Quit Bragging, 7/23/2016:

When dating online, conventional wisdom dictates that presenting yourself in the best light possible in terms of physical, professional, and personal appeal is the key to success. However, as new research published in the National Communication Association’s journal Communication Monographs suggests, this may not be the case:

In efforts to discover what makes online dating profiles successful, University of Iowa researchers gave 316 online daters one of four possible dating profiles which contained either high or low selective self-presentation (the tendency to highlight our most flattering information while minimizing negative traits) and either high or low warranting of content (adding additional information such as links to professional websites that would verify, as the authors put it, “that the person in a profile is the same individual they would meet on a date”)… See full article at Psychology Today.

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