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Team Tawkify

Team Tawkify


    Dating Industry Broadcast III

    In 2011, I was asked to speak at a panel event called “Battle of the Sexes,” where men and women came together to discuss and debate hot topics regarding sex, love, and dating. As the discussion turned towards the topic, “What is the worst first date experience you’ve had recently?” I kinda shocked everyone by saying that I had none…


    The Truth Behind Miss-Matched Couples

    While there are all kinds of variations within partners, mixed-attractiveness couples do go somewhat against the grain. We’re often cautioned that real beauty is found within, but good looks are among the more highly rated characteristics in what people say they want in a romantic partner. And in general, couples tend to be more similar in many respects…


    Dating Industry Broadcast I

    The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast…

    A Broken Heart

    Is It Right Or Is It Wrong?

    Since we’re in the professional matchmaking business, we run into a lot of different people with interesting stories about their past relationships. Something that we try to remind them is it’s one thing to be in a relationship–it’s something else entirely to be in one that is right for them…


    Matchmaker Says: Judge Not

    Matchmaker Cynthia shared this story with the team about her client, D.C., last week and we felt it contained a valuable lesson for all those undergoing the processes of dating…


    Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest

    But wouldn’t encouraging men to embrace the full range of their humanity benefit women? Why do we continue to limit the emotional lives of males when it serves no one?


    Partridge in a “Pair” Tree

    We’re keeping it short this week because, let’s be honest, everyone is exhausted from all the parties, food and holiday spirit. We stumbled upon this photo and it immediately made us think about duos- in all their forms. Humanity craves the pair…

    A Broken Heart

    Does Healthy Dating lead to Healthy Unions?

    Recently, Huffington Post published, “20 Secrets of Happily Married Couples.” We liked the oft-shared pearls of wisdom from all sorts of people in committed relationships: * Never go to bed angry (of course, we’ve got mixed-research on this one.) * Never lose your sense of humor (assuming you had one in the first place)…


    Are You More Carrie Bradshaw or Bridget Jones?

    Have you ever watched an episode of Sex And The City and thought, “Gosh! Carrie and I sure have a lot in common!” Perhaps in the last episode of Friends you caught, you felt akin to the charismatic Rachel Green. Or maybe, like the millions who watch Scandal, you feel a connection to the fierce Olivia […]


    Are you more James Bond or Jerry Seinfeld?

    After the success of the first What Kind of Dater Are You quiz – taken by over 500 unique visitors in the last week – we decided to create a quiz just for the gents as well. Discover which iconic bachelor you are most like with this fun quiz!  Enjoy! Team Tawkify

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