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Dating Industry Broadcast III

Team TawkifyTeam Tawkify
Team Tawkify
(Updated )
3 min read

The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast.

The Dating Industry Broadcast series in inspired by The Staggering Research On Choosing Mates, in which Tawkify Co-Founder, E. Jean Carroll, collected the latest research on our trade and blasted it out to the whole team.

Enjoy this month’s scoop!

GIZMODO, How Online Dating Algorithms Are Helping Match Endangered Species, 11/11/2016:

Now, researchers at Flinders University in South Australia have created SWINGER, computer software inspired by how these dating sites work – with an algorithm that uses information from DNA to match-make endangered animals for captive breeding.

Many species are likely to require captive breeding to ensure their survival, but you can’t ask a snake, fish or possum to answer questions to find a perfect match. What you can do, is look at their DNA.

“We use DNA to work out otherwise unobservable family relationships. Our matchmaking algorithm then takes this information and uses it to design breeding groups consisting of the least related individuals,” says Dr Jonathan Sandoval-Castillo, the main program developer and postdoctoral fellow at Flinders School of Biological Sciences…See the full article at Gizmodo.

THE WASHINGTON POST, What happens when a married woman takes over a single woman’s dating apps?, 11/10/2016:

When Ellen offered to take over my dating apps, I didn’t care so much whom she set me up with. As long as I didn’t have to do the work of matching, messaging and date-planning, I was happy. And she was so charming as faux-me! Her messaging-with-strangers was much more engaging than my own has been lately. I wasn’t the only one who got a kick out of it…See the full article at The Washington Post

JET, The 4 Benefits of Pre-Dating, 11/9/2016:

In 2011, I was asked to speak at a panel event called “Battle of the Sexes,” where men and women came together to discuss and debate hot topics regarding sex, love, and dating. As the discussion turned towards the topic, “What is the worst first date experience you’ve had recently?” I kinda shocked everyone by saying that I had none.

In 2011, when online dating was still stigmatized and dating apps weren’t very popular in straight communities, the idea of a pre-date ruffled the collective feathers of the entire audience. They couldn’t understand what the point of a pre-date was. 

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, a “pre-date” is simply a low pressure, no-strings attached meetup conducted by two people who have spent little to no time together in person…See the full article at Jet.

BUSTLE, The Ways Your Name Affects Your Love Life, 11/7/2016:

Burning question of the day: Does your name affect your love life? As my Magic 8 Ball used to say, signs point to yes. Tons of studies and surveys have been done over the years on the significance of names, and it turns out that the answer to “What’s in a name?” is, in fact, “Quite a bit.” But what, exactly, the significance is seems very hard to measure…See the full article at Bustle

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