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Team Tawkify

Team Tawkify


    Offline Dating

    Watch Tom try to find a date… offline.  Life is a social game, yet today, personal contact is shared most commonly through virtual means. The screen of a phone, tablet or computer are the secretaries of our personal lives. Directed by Samuel Abrahams, the short documentary “Offline Dating” is a refreshing look at relationships from the outside of the virtual world, told through the story of one brave soul trying to find a date the old-fashioned way…


    Yeah, We’ve Got Some Questions.

    We’ve decided to take you along a couple of times a week–with pieces inspired by the wacky, inspiring, confusing, and inspirational stuff we trip over –because we want to  see what you think. Each piece will end with a question, because the topic in question has got us itching to continue the conversation. So, please, jump in. As we like to say during our clients’ post-date-feedback, “there is no such thing as TMI” when you’re working with a personal matchmaker, so don’t be afraid to tell us what you really think. Perhaps you’ll inspire additional research, or maybe a survey to query the learned and delightfully opinionated folks in our database for their take, and maybe a follow-up article or two right here on the blog…


    Question of the Day: Tinder. The Hook-up Culture. Thoughts? Anyone?

    Last month, CNN published an article entitled: “Has Tinder Replaced Dating with Hookup Culture?” Feel free to read it all the way through, but mostly it’s one commentator’s perspective on “hook-up culture” in general. For instance, one fellow referenced is named Alex, a guy who works on Wall Street (naturally) who is able to have sex with as many as 100 women a month thanks to app-enabled dating…


    You May Be a Love Addict if…

    Most human beings thrive in connected, intimate relationships – of course – but some folks seem to need to be in a romantic relationship more than others. Of course all people feel lonely from time to time — sometimes even in the midst of a relationship — this is part of the human condition. However, some report feeling “empty” until they have a boyfriend or girlfriend, as though they are incomplete if not partnered. They find themselves unable to be happy on their own.  Can you relate to this feeling?

    Learn how to cope with and get over a breakup during the holidays with these helpful tips. You’ll also find out why people break up this time of year and even ways to avoid it.

    5 Best Ways to Get Over a Breakup During the Holidays

    Trying to get over a relationship during the holidays can be difficult. The focus this time of year is on togetherness, romance, coziness, and getting into the merry spirit of the holiday season—so it’s especially tough when you’ve had to say goodbye to the person who you wanted to experience all of these things with.  […]

    Start Dating

    COVID Chronicles: Date Planning in 2021

    It’s 2021 – loungewear is the new office-wear and pajamas are close behind. We’re here to remind you that COVID dating is about good communication, pre-planning and a little creativity…

    Get Started Toward Your Last First Date

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