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10 Reasons to Love Being Single During the Holidays

Don’t let yourself feel single and lonely this holiday season! Check out our guide on how to survive the holidays and enjoy the perks of being single.

There’s something about the holidays (and cuffing season) that can really highlight your single status. Maybe it’s all those holiday cards on your mantelpiece with the faces of smiling couples staring back at you, the dangling mistletoe seemingly under every doorway, or your great aunt constantly asking if you’re in a relationship yet. 

Whatever it is, the holidays can feel like a drag if there are constant reminders of your relationship status behind every string of lights and every pile of candy canes. But before you think about getting back with an ex or skipping the holidays altogether, do realize that there are some perks of being single during the holidays. In fact, you might just find yourself feeling happier and having more fun this holiday season than when you were coupled up in the past!

Don’t believe us? Check out our guide on how to survive the holidays and discover the many different ways you can make the most of this time of year, even if you don’t have a date on your arm for the holiday party. 

1. You Don’t Have to Compromise

When you’re single during the holidays, you don’t have to compromise with your partner, which can get especially stressful this time of year. 

Instead of having to get out your calendars and map out which holiday parties, religious gatherings, and Secret Santa events you’ll attend together, you get to call the shots when you’re single. You can go to as many—or as few—holiday events as you’d like without feeling the obligation of showing up simply for the sake of your partner. 

2. You Can Celebrate Exactly How You Want

Maybe your idea of the perfect holiday season is decking the halls of your home with all the garland and twinkly lights, dressing a gigantic Douglas fir tree, and listening to all your favorite Christmas carols on repeat. Or perhaps you’d much rather jet off somewhere warm and spend your time off basking on a tropical idea. 

Well, one of the perks of being single is that you can do exactly what you want without having to run it by your partner. You can blare that Christmas music as loud as you’d like or sip cocktails with your toes in the sand, and no one is going to stop you!

3. You Can Save Money

If you’re beginning to feel single and lonely this time of year, just think of how much money you’ll save yourself. Not only do you get to forgo some big expensive present for your partner, but you don’t have to worry about buying gifts for everyone in their family, from their siblings and nephews down to their cousins and grandparents. 

With the money you save, you can buy yourself something extra special, treat your family to some nicer things, or even donate more to a good cause this holiday season!

4. You Don’t Have to Stress

Not only can the holidays put a strain on your wallet when you’re coupled up, but it can put a strain on your mental health, too. It can be stressful brainstorming what to gift everyone and attending gatherings where the majority of people are strangers to you. Pair that with the anxiety of wanting to make a good impression on your partner’s friends and family, and you very well could wind up being a big ball of stress! 

But when you’re single, you can limit some of these challenges and dedicate your energy (and money!) to those that mean the most to you this holiday season. 

5. You Can Meet New People

The holidays are surprisingly a great time of year to meet potential matches. After all, everyone is hosting parties and going to festive events together, meaning you just might meet other singletons who are looking to date

As the holidays roll around, accept that invitation to go to the Christmas tree lighting ceremony with your neighbors and get dressed up for that New Year’s Eve party at your coworker’s house—you just never know who might show up!

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6. You Can Tell the World You’re Single

Ok, you might not love the idea of shouting your relationship status from the rooftop, but the holidays are actually an ideal time to spread the word that you’re looking for love. 

Just think, if you let your friends know that you’re single and ready to mingle at your annual Friendsgiving gathering, they just might know someone who would be a great match for you. Or if your cousins know you’re open to love, maybe they’ll invite their single friends to join you for drinks after your family dinner. 

7. You Can Redefine What the Holidays Mean to You

When it comes to the holidays, you might rely so heavily on what you think the holidays should look and feel like that you allow it to ruin this time of year for you. 

If you’re single during the holidays this year, reflect on what would make you happy. Maybe you’re not lighting your menorah with a partner by your side, but perhaps you could do so with your siblings instead. Or rather than showing up stag to your company holiday party, why not invite your best friend as your date? There are ways to find joy in these holiday traditions even if your situation isn’t 100% what you’d hoped for this season. 

8. You Can Create Your Own Traditions

Sometimes, when you’re dating someone, it’s easy to get wrapped up in their expectations and traditions. Or maybe it’s your own holiday traditions that are bringing you down this year. 

If there are certain customs that are making you feel especially single and lonely—skip them! Forget decorating the Christmas tree or making holiday cookies if it’s not bringing you joy, and instead, make up some new traditions that align with your singledom. 

Maybe you’ll invite your besties over on Christmas Eve and watch your favorite horror films. Or rather than buying gifts for Hanukkah, you might decide to donate your time and money to the local homeless shelter instead. And who knows? These ideas might become your annual holiday traditions from here on out!

9. You Can Focus on Self-Care

The holidays can get hectic, especially if you’re splitting your time between spending time with your friends and family and spending time with your partner’s friends and family. During all those social obligations, it’s easy to forget about your own self-care. For you, that might mean missing out on the daily workouts that help keep you stress-free or skipping the meditation sessions that keep you grounded. But not this year! 

One of the perks of being single during this time is that you can attend all the social gatherings you want—without it interfering with your mental health. You can prioritize what you want during the holidays and still manage to keep up with your self-care rituals. 

10. You Can Make It Through December

If you’re concerned about how to survive the holidays without a partner by your side, remember that this is really just the span of a few short weeks. In no time, you’ll be focusing on your New Year resolutions and making plans for the spring, and the holidays will just be a thing of the past. Try not to feel single and lonely because so many good times are yet to come! 

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