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Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.


Offline Dating

Watch Tom try to find a date… offline.  Life is a social game, yet today, personal contact is shared most commonly through virtual means. The screen of a phone, tablet or computer are the secretaries of our personal lives. Directed by Samuel Abrahams, the short documentary “Offline Dating” is a refreshing look at relationships from the outside of the virtual world, told through the story of one brave soul trying to find a date the old-fashioned way…


In Simplistic Terms

I want the Bay Area again.  I want black coffee And your arms around me. I want us drunk on dark beer Or red wine and fresh bread…


Yeah, We’ve Got Some Questions.

We’ve decided to take you along a couple of times a week–with pieces inspired by the wacky, inspiring, confusing, and inspirational stuff we trip over –because we want to  see what you think. Each piece will end with a question, because the topic in question has got us itching to continue the conversation. So, please, jump in. As we like to say during our clients’ post-date-feedback, “there is no such thing as TMI” when you’re working with a personal matchmaker, so don’t be afraid to tell us what you really think. Perhaps you’ll inspire additional research, or maybe a survey to query the learned and delightfully opinionated folks in our database for their take, and maybe a follow-up article or two right here on the blog…


Question of the Day: Tinder. The Hook-up Culture. Thoughts? Anyone?

Last month, CNN published an article entitled: “Has Tinder Replaced Dating with Hookup Culture?” Feel free to read it all the way through, but mostly it’s one commentator’s perspective on “hook-up culture” in general. For instance, one fellow referenced is named Alex, a guy who works on Wall Street (naturally) who is able to have sex with as many as 100 women a month thanks to app-enabled dating…


Wayfaring Dater: Dallas

Strap on your boots and pull out your high intensity hairspray–we’re tackling dating in the big ‘D’!  Dallas has a great sense of appreciation for different cultures and the arts. If you have a pioneering spirit and you like the heat, this is your city. Don’t shy away from looking for a two-step partner to step out with here. Even though Texas is riddled with stereotypical types, there really is someone for everyone here; it’s not all gun-strapping men and busty blondes…


YESTERDAY, ANY WAY YOU MADE IT WAS JUST FINE: “Something On Your Mind,” Karen Dalton

A popular rumor about Karen Dalton is that she died homeless on the streets of New York. (In fact, although her life and especially the latter part of it retains a lot of mystery, it seems that she spent her last couple of weeks under the care of guitarist Peter Walker in southeastern New York state.) Her biography is murky enough to allow for imagination, and archetypical enough to suggest the tragedy of the folk singer. Her voice is a storied and sad alto, the kind of voice that makes you feel you know her personally…

Are you in your 20s and looking to find a partner? Then check out our guide with all the best advice for dating in your 20s.

12 Things You Need to Know About Dating in Your 20s (2024)

Dating can be tricky at any age, but dating in your 20s, in particular, can bring its fair share of highs and lows. After all, this is a point in many people’s lives when they experience freedom for the first time, as they’re beginning to navigate the world on their own.  With this comes all […]

Uncover the definition and signs of a serial dater and what makes someone develop a pattern of serial dating.

7 Signs of a Serial Dater to Look Out For

There are all sorts of dating types out there, from those who tiptoe into romantic endeavors to people who go all in when it feels right. But there are also those who seem to jump from one relationship to another, breaking hearts along the way. If you’re dating with intention, seeing the signs of a […]

Want to know how to find a good woman, but not sure where to start? Read our tips that help demystify the dating process and make the search for love more intentional.

Finding Love in 2024: How to Find a Good Woman

The journey to finding a partner that fits you to a tee can seem to be full of twists and turns, highs and lows, and secrets that you haven’t been let in on. After all, lots of people you know have found the person that makes their heart sing, so how do you? When you […]

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