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Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.

If you’re in a situationship, you might be wondering when to define the relationship. Find out everything you need to know about the DTR talk.

The DTR Talk: How and When to Define the Relationship

The early stages of a blossoming relationship can be fun, flirty, and, let’s face it, a little confusing. After all, you’re having a blast spending time together and doing the things couples do, but you haven’t exactly put a label on your relationship. In other words, you’ve landed yourself in a situationship. A situationship is […]

Dating as an introvert can be hard, but it's not impossible. This guide is filled with helpful tips for dating success!

8 Helpful Tips for Dating as an Introvert

If you tend to be quiet and reserved and enjoy spending time alone or with only a few people at once, you might consider yourself an introvert. After all, an introvert is often described as someone who silently reflects, avoids over-stimulating situations, and prefers to observe their environment rather than be the center of attention. […]

The workplace can be an ideal place to find a partner, but it can come with some challenges. Check out 10 things to consider before dating a coworker.

10 Things to Consider Before Dating a Coworker

Workplace dating isn’t as uncommon as you might think. In fact, a recent survey revealed three out of four people have gotten involved with a coworker! Now, just because a lot of people seem to engage in an office romance doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right path for you. While every circumstance is unique, if […]

Want to know what the best day for a first date is? We’ve got all the answers right here. Read on to find out the best day to date.

Data Reveals the Best Day to Date

So, you’ve met someone and want to plan a date. Maybe the venue or activity is top of mind or even the outfit you’ll wear to dress to impress. But have you ever stopped to think about the best day to date?  Tawkify thought about it, too. To get the deets on the best day […]

Boost your confidence in dating and overcome insecurities whether you're going on a first date or exploring a relationship with someone new.

How to Build Confidence in Dating & Overcome Natural Insecurities

In the world of dating, confidence is the key that unlocks countless possibilities and leads to fulfilling connections. It’s an intangible quality that radiates from within, capturing attention and inviting genuine attraction. But confidence in dating isn’t an easy thing to develop and maintain, especially when it can feel like there’s so much at stake.  […]

Asking yourself questions like, “Why am I not marriage material?” Or "how can I become marriage material?" Follow our guide for advice!

Are You Marriage Material? 8 Signs You Could Be

When it comes to dating, oftentimes, marriage is the end goal. But you don’t want to tie the knot with just anyone; it’s best to find someone who you consider marriage material.  What is marriage material anyway? It refers to the traits that make someone a viable match and a committed life partner. Someone who […]

Wondering if someone is into you? Uncover the top 10 signals of flirting with our helpful list and learn how to flirt back with ease!

10 Tips to Understand & Interpret Flirting Signs

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone’s gestures, words, or even a simple smile left you wondering if they were interested in you romantically? Well, you may have been experiencing the delightful world of flirting!  But how do you know if someone is genuinely interested or just being friendly? We’re here to […]

The internet is a fantastic tool for writing a thesis, but should it be used to compose a 15-page, pre-introduction memoir on a potential romantic interest’s life story?

5 Ways to Avoid the Cliff of Contemporary Dating

I have a friend who dates online… a lot. You could say she’s popular. She gets out again and again because she’s fabulous–which is obvious, even through a screen. Yet she arrives each time preloaded with every personal detail about her date–their hometown, full legal name, and family history–often even their annual income and whether […]

How to Get a Second Date

How to Get a Second Date

We like to pretend romance is easy; that if it’s meant to be, things will just click. This belies the reality that we have plenty of opportunities to miscommunicate and get it wrong, even if someone is right for us. With that said, let’s discuss some general tips for how to get that second date. […]

Here are five things you can do to reset and re-energize your relationship search when you're experiencing dating fatigue.

5 Ways to Combat Dating Fatigue

If you’re ever felt overwhelmed or even hopeless about your romantic prospects you might be experiencing what’s known as dating fatigue. Dating fatigue can come in many forms but it typically shows up as a general indifference about dating, feeling exhausted by the thought of messaging someone back or meeting up for yet another cup […]

The excitement of dating someone new can cause common sense to take a backseat. Avoid these 7 mistakes to ensure your relationship lasts.

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Dating Someone New

When you start dating someone new, the excitement can cause common sense to take a backseat. You may hear stories from friends and think, “I’d never do that,” only to feel completely blindsided when the person you’re talking to winds up being the exact opposite of who you thought they were. We all make dating […]

Dating a woman taller than you really isn’t an issue, but there are things to be mindful of. Check out our dos and don’ts of dating a taller woman.

Demystifying Dating a Woman Taller Than You

In today’s modern dating world, we see all different kinds of people partnering up, and that includes women who are open to dating shorter men. What used to be seen as a bit taboo is now something that has become more common in public and on the TV screen than ever before. Taller women are […]

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