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Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.


Breakup Bootcamp: Valentine Edition

Valentine’s Day is a scary beast for many singles. It’s a reminder of what could be missing, of the relationship you desire but do not possess, and sometimes it conjures memories of love lost…


Valentine’s Survival Guide

It’s not sunshine and exchanging sweet cards to everyone in class anymore. You’re an adult, and it’s Valentine’s Day…


Cora Considers Micro-Cheating

Exciting news, folks. The pioneers of dating lingo have decreed: not only can you be cheated on, you can also be micro cheated on…


Dating Industry Broadcast IX

Love is a universal thing. Dating, not so much. Going out, hookups and relationships in countries and cities around the world are not exactly the same as what singles experience in New York City…


Dating Industry Broadcast X

OKCupid joins a growing corporate backlash against neo-Nazis in the U.S. after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va…


Dating Industry Broadcast VII

Last week, developer Stuart Colianni uploaded a data set representing tens of thousands of ‘scraped’ Tinder profile photos to the machine learning and data science platform Kaggle, which Google recently snapped up…


Dating Industry Broadcast VIII

In a society obsessed with physical appearance, sexual attraction for some people is based on intellect, and not necessarily on looks…

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