
Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.

You've been ghosted. These scripts for ways to respond after you've been ghosted will help you to move on with your dating journey.

The 30 Best Ways to Respond After You’ve Been Ghosted

Ghosting is fairly common in the online dating world: You and a potential match messaging back and forth for a few days (or even weeks) when suddenly the other person goes silent. Rather than being mature and straightforward, they just bow out of the conversation sans explanation.  If you get ghosted after just a few […]

Dating as an introvert can be hard, but it's not impossible. This guide is filled with helpful tips for dating success!

8 Helpful Tips for Dating as an Introvert

If you tend to be quiet and reserved and enjoy spending time alone or with only a few people at once, you might consider yourself an introvert. After all, an introvert is often described as someone who silently reflects, avoids over-stimulating situations, and prefers to observe their environment rather than be the center of attention. […]

The excitement of dating someone new can cause common sense to take a backseat. Avoid these 7 mistakes to ensure your relationship lasts.

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Dating Someone New

When you start dating someone new, the excitement can cause common sense to take a backseat. You may hear stories from friends and think, “I’d never do that,” only to feel completely blindsided when the person you’re talking to winds up being the exact opposite of who you thought they were. We all make dating […]


How to Tell If You’re Dating or In a Relationship

You’ve been dating for a while and the question looms in the air: are you in a committed relationship? Being in a relationship is very different from dating. While the two ways of interacting are similar, there are certainly precise signs that differentiate the two positions. For starters, people in relationships tend to have higher […]

Curious about matchmaking services? Read about what to expect, how it works and tips for making the most of your experience.

Matchmaking Services: What to Expect

Dating with the intent to find a committed partner can seem like a thankless process. You spend hours swiping on dating apps without finding a good lead. When you do locate potential matches, you might find yourself going on countless dates that lead to nowhere. Meeting a friend of a friend can be even less […]

Overwhelmed with dating? You should hire a matchmaker to help you navigate the dating scene and lead you to a successful relationship.

7 Benefits of Hiring a Matchmaker

The current dating scene can be overwhelming. With more and more dating apps and websites popping up every year, it can be difficult to know where to start and how to sift through the plethora of options. To take that first step toward relationship success, it might be time to hire a matchmaker.  Finding someone […]


The Lost Art of Seduction 

We are conditioned to believe that seduction is a line to be used or a technique to adopt. We have let society perverse its meaning to become synonymous with ill intention…


Single Spotlight: International Girl

Heartalytics Editor interviews a different eligible single from the Tawkify network every quarter. Meet Matchable Member, the lovely and enigmatic, Jessie Older…

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