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Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.


The Tawkify Process: A Client’s Perspective

Lately, the team has been challenged with the concept of “reviews.” It’s a bit unnatural for us to occupy the “review” space, as one of Tawkify’s main cornerstones is client privacy. We don’t want our client’s to compromise their privacy to share about their experiences. However, we recognize that reviews are an integral component in the decision-making process as people consider working with us…


PDA Meaning Defined & Explained in Love & Relationships

You have probably heard about, talked about, and seen PDA in various situations. But what is it exactly, and how do you navigate the wide world of PDA in your own relationship? With societal norms in place, it can be difficult to know what’s fun and flirty and what might elicit negative reactions. Here, we’ll […]


Matchmaking Maven Exposé

It’s been two years since we spoke directly with Tawkify Director of Operations on Heartalytics. It’s time to pick our main matchmaking Queen B’s brain again…


Defy Single Shaming & Speak Up!

Single vs. Alone: these two concepts are not synonymous. Single shaming is a real issue that many singletons experience daily- from family, coworkers and friends. So, let me clear the air:  Your relationship status does NOT make or break your success as an individual– and anyone who says otherwise is misguided.

Are the dating apps contributing to your sense of dating fatigue? If so, check out our guide for tips on how to practice mindful swiping!

How to Practice Mindful Swiping to Avoid Dating Fatigue

When you’re searching for the love of your life on the dating apps, it’s easy to get caught in a loop of mindlessly swiping from one profile to the next. However, this unengaged, passive attitude toward dating probably isn’t yielding you the kind of results you want.  If you’re feeling tired and uninspired when it […]

Are you ready to find the meaningful, lasting relationship you've been searching for? Start by dating with intention!

Dating with Intention—It’s Time to Stop and Get Serious

A lot of terms get thrown around in the modern dating world, and one that’s recently been going around is the concept of “dating with intention.” Whether you heard it referenced in a podcast or the term is entirely new to you, we’re here to unpack it all for you.  First, let’s start with the […]


KonMari Your Love-Life: Module I

It’s spring cleaning time, and this doesn’t strictly apply to car ports and wardrobes. For singles, getting organized in the context of dating is an essential strategy for continued success…


KonMari Your Love-Life: Module II

Like clutter in your heart, old feelings of anxiety, frustration and bitterness cloud our judgment. They are junk in a drawer of worthless things…

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