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Dating advice for those who are thinking about getting back into dating or have just recently started doing so. These articles will help you navigate through these early stages of your dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.

It’s time to start dating in 2024! But how do you meet someone special? Follow our guide on how to find a good man in the new year.

Finding Love in 2024: How to Find a Good Man

It’s a new year, and you are feeling bright with resolution, especially when it comes to partnership. Perhaps 2024 is the year you’re determined to find your forever person. But how do you find a good man in the first place? Well, believe it or not, there’s a lot more that goes into finding a […]

You've been ghosted. These scripts for ways to respond after you've been ghosted will help you to move on with your dating journey.

The 30 Best Ways to Respond After You’ve Been Ghosted

Ghosting is fairly common in the online dating world: You and a potential match messaging back and forth for a few days (or even weeks) when suddenly the other person goes silent. Rather than being mature and straightforward, they just bow out of the conversation sans explanation.  If you get ghosted after just a few […]


Thanks, But No Thanks: How to Turn Down a Second Date (Respectfully)

Not all first dates lead to second dates. Even if you go out with a good-looking person with a great personality, sometimes, there just isn’t a spark.  As you know, you can’t force chemistry, so when you don’t click with someone, sooner than later, you’ll need to figure out how to turn down a second […]

The truth about dating a shorter man. See if dating a shorter guy is right for you with our pros and cons list.

Pros & Cons of Dating a Shorter Man – Understand it All

When it comes to the dating world, short guys often get, well, the short end of the stick. There’s a lot of stigma around dating shorter men, but it’s not all rooted in fact. Sure, some short guys lack confidence or fixate on their height, but there are actually a lot of benefits to dating […]

Need to decipher a dating acronym that someone sent you? Look no further. We’ve compiled a list of common dating abbreviations to help you understand exactly what’s being said.

16 Common Dating Acronyms / Abbreviations – What They Mean

From LDR to PDA to IRL, the increasingly complex and, shall we say, confusing world of dating acronyms never seems to calm down. Just when you thought you knew almost all of them, more pop up and you find yourself going down Internet rabbit trails trying to define three little letters. And if you’re not […]

Don’t get stuck in the friend zone. Learn how to get out of the friend zone with this helpful guide, plus tips for different scenarios—because every friendship is different.

8 Signs You’ve Been Friendzoned (& How to Get Out of the Friend Zone)

Sitting in the friend zone can feel like being stuck in purgatory. There’s certainly a friendship but seemingly no way of turning it into something more. If you need some guidance on how to get out of the friend zone, you’re in the right place.  What Does It Mean to Be Friendzoned? The term “friend […]

Do you think you’re in a situationship? Learn all the signs of a situationship, including red flags, and get tips for how to navigate it.

What is a Situationship and 6 Signs You’re In One

Have you found yourself in a romantic situation where you’re thinking, “Am I single or not?” You might be experiencing something fittingly called a situationship. Not sure what that means or even whether you’re in one in the first place?  We’re here to help you identify the signs of a situationship, how it’s different from […]

What is the 3-month rule for dating? Keep reading to find out what it is and if you should implement it in your own dating life.

The Three Month Rule – Making It Past the Honeymoon Phase

Knowing if and when a relationship should be taken to the next level can be daunting, but there are some guidelines that can assist you along the way. Enter, the 3-month rule, a handy guidepost that can help you navigate the honeymoon phase and beyond.  Keep reading to find out more about the 3-month rule […]

Find your perfect match with these dating tips for shy guys. Boost your confidence, learn how to make conversation like a pro, and push your boundaries—learn more here!

Gaining Confidence – Dating Tips for Shy Guys

Dating as an introvert can often feel like swimming upstream, where your reserved manner and preference for being alone (or at least with those you know well) seem to keep pushing against your ability to meet people. But just because you’re not as outgoing as another guy doesn’t mean that you can’t have a thriving […]


COVID Chronicles: Coupling In Quarantine

How does confinement change relationship dynamics? What’s the best mindset to adopt in present circumstances? And in what ways can our partnerships strengthen—even under pressure?

Curious about matchmaking services? Read about what to expect, how it works and tips for making the most of your experience.

Matchmaking Services: What to Expect

Dating with the intent to find a committed partner can seem like a thankless process. You spend hours swiping on dating apps without finding a good lead. When you do locate potential matches, you might find yourself going on countless dates that lead to nowhere. Meeting a friend of a friend can be even less […]

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