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Valerie Presley

Valerie Presley


    5 Essential Summer Dating Tips

    Summer offers the perfect opportunity to explore new connections and rekindle romance with refreshing outdoor adventures. Whether you’re trying to meet new people or keep things exciting with a partner, these tips will inspire memorable moments in the summer sun. 1. Host a Picnic in the Park for a Laid-Back Date Make the most of […]

    A Broken Heart

    Dating Instruction Roundup V

    A 2013 Gallup Poll indicated that while most Americans hoped someday to marry–if they hadn’t already –as many as 25% had no interest in ever doing so, concluding that marriage’s popularity is…


    Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume III

    There is a profound authenticity to meeting someone as you are – as they are – for the first time – especially when you least expect it. In that moment you are discovering another person, figuring out in realtime who they are and – if you’re lucky – sensing that mysterious alchemy of burgeoning interest, maybe attraction…

    A Broken Heart

    Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume I

    Since launch in June 2015, Heartalytics has published A LOT of great advice, research and original storytelling. As editor, I felt it would be helpful to our readers to create a monthly snapshot of past content. This isn’t just any past content, of course…  Look to these snapshots for quick, no nonsense tips that get right to the heart of the matter…a dating instruction roundup, if you will.  Enjoy these short, sage snippets of input and encouragement on us…


    COVID Chronicles: Coupling In Quarantine

    How does confinement change relationship dynamics? What’s the best mindset to adopt in present circumstances? And in what ways can our partnerships strengthen—even under pressure?


    Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume II

    Attraction is surely a fickle beast, but science has proven that intelligence attracts– and humor implies intelligence. Geoffrey Miller and Dr. Gil Greengross’s recent paper on the importance of humor in mating, asserts that humor is indeed an indicator of mate quality and mental fitness…


    Single Spotlight: 1st Gen Rebel

    The highly anticipated Single Spotlight series has arrived! In this column, Heartalytics Editor interviews a different eligible single from the Tawkify network every quarter. Get ready to meet Matchable Member, Sam Hai…

    A Broken Heart

    Don’t Get Crushed

    When you have a serious crush, it’s a feeling like no other. You catch yourself smiling for no reason and your world feels lighter, somehow sparkly. Thinking about your crush, you’re elated. Like a person with a magical secret. You could fly around your kitchen! It’s wonderful… and nerve wracking.  Falling for someone new is often a time of extreme energy and wonder mixed with goodly portions of self-doubt and anxiety. You’re smitten. Enchanted. Utterly charmed. Now what? During this fantastically magic time, try to keep the following in mind…


    The Art & Science of Love Delivery, a Q&A

    Last week, I sat down with Julia Armet – Tawkify’s magnetic Director of Operations. She was one of our first matchmakers upon the company’s founding. She is fun, sharp, and a wiz at her job! Heartalytics readers, meet Jules… 

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