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Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume II

Valerie PresleyValerie Presley
Valerie Presley
(Updated )
1 min read

Look to these snapshots for quick, no nonsense tips that get right to the heart of the matter…a dating instruction roundup, if you will.

Enjoy these short, sage snippets of input and encouragement on us:

Attraction is surely a fickle beast, but science has proven that intelligence attracts– and humor implies intelligence. Geoffrey Miller and Dr. Gil Greengross’s recent paper on the importance of humor in mating, asserts that humor is indeed an indicator of mate quality and mental fitness.
(7/9/2015, 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Going On The Second Date)

Dating rules have been created with solid intentions behind them, it’s good to be respectful of other people, but I also think that rules can sometimes get in the way, particularly if you really click with someone. Feel out the situation and the communication style based on who you are and who the person is that you’ve gone out on a date with. Most importantly, be open, honest, and genuine.
(10/21/2015, Matchmaker Says: When Should You Call?)

We must avoid confusing what society tells us is attractive and good in a partner to allow for the discovery of it ourselves. Yes, ladies, you don’t have to “prove” you’re a worthy beauty by having a 24 inch waist. And no, gentleman, we don’t all need 2 dozen roses on the first date to prove that you’re a catch. While indeed highly desirable to some, such attributes are neither universally attractive, nor the key to happiness with a partner.
(7/30/2015, What Women Really Want)

Exclusive Tawkify user data reveals that while only 10% of straight men consider income a factor in their dating lives, 50% of straight women see personal income as an important factor in mate consideration–abdicating more power to higher earners (still men) in the dating game…

…To the extent that men’s advantageous socio-economic position is leveraged to their advantage in dating and courtship, little has changed over time, despite the professional strides of women. Tinder, social media, and mobile connectivity merely stand to facilitate these pre-conditioned habits, “for better or worse.”
(9/6/2015, The Origins of Hookup Culture)

This does not mean that there’s something wrong with your relationship. A little snag in the quilt you are making together is not a big deal… as long as you work together to mend it with care. If you end up with a wayward little loop of thread that doesn’t quite fit back into place, simply choose to incorporate it into the piece you’re creating with some grace, rather than freaking out and pulling the whole thing apart. The first approach fixes, while the second demolishes the whole project.

See you next month on the Dating Instruction Roundup!

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