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Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume I

Valerie PresleyValerie Presley
Valerie Presley
(Updated )
1 min read

Since launch in June 2015, Heartalytics has published A LOT of great advice, research and original storytelling. As editor, I felt it would be helpful to our readers to create a monthly snapshot of past content. This isn’t just any past content, of course… 

Look to these snapshots for quick, no nonsense tips that get right to the heart of the matter…a dating instruction roundup, if you will. 

Enjoy these short, sage snippets of input and encouragement on us:

Go to interesting places and get involved in activities in your area that don’t involve getting buzzed, toasted, sloshed or baked, and I promise your odds of meeting intriguing, attractive (even in the daylight) people will increase exponentially.
(7/1/2015, The 5 Cliffs of Contemporary Dating)

The LAST thing you should discuss with this intriguing new stranger is your sordid dating history! Dating, in its many forms, shouldn’t be the common denominator between the two of you, just because you’ve met through a dating service.
(9/11/2015, What to NOT Tawk About)

Your mind is your reality. It is the source of your strength and security, but also can be a petri dish of anxiety and self doubt. Allow yourself to fall into obsessive thought patterns and you will have a difficult time maintaining healthy relationships. When in doubt, take a breath – or five – and wait. You may be surprised to discover that your worst case scenario almost never comes to pass.
(7/26/2015, The Great Killer of Relationships)

On date planning:
The bad news (read: reality): there is no such thing as a perfect spot. The good news: you can make it perfect by interacting with the environment and your new acquaintance with equally positive intent. 
(6/21/2015, The Origin Story, NYC)

On dating after divorce or an ended relationship:
Your heart isn’t dead, it’s just still in the ICU, so don’t push yourself until you’re legitimately feelin’ it.
(8/7/2015, To Date or To Wait)

If, in trying to impress a lovely new person, you find yourself getting a reaction you didn’t expect, just back up, perhaps apologize, but don’t make excuses. There is nothing sexy about excuses, especially an excuse that makes you look manic and confusing.
(6/16/2015, But I’m a Zodiac Sign!)

See you next month on Volume II’s dating instruction roundup!

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