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All Dating and Relationship Articles

Learn tips for dating someone with autism, from navigating social situations to understanding each other’s love languages.

Get Informed – Dating Someone with Autism

If you’re dating in 2023, you’re probably tuned into all of the exciting ways to meet people and the challenges that modern dating can bring. It’s so important to have an awareness of yourself and your needs but also the needs of the people you’re dating. Perhaps you’ve just hit it off with someone who […]

What to expect when seeing someone who is career-oriented? Discover the pros and cons of dating a career-driven woman or man.

A Guide to Dating Someone Extremely Career-Driven

There’s a lot to appreciate about people who are career-driven as they dedicate themselves to achieving their career goals and excelling in their professions. However, dating a career-driven man or woman can have its ups and downs. After all, they are likely to have a lot of admirable attributes, but with that can come stress […]

Are dating apps bad for mental health? It depends. We explore how dating apps may impact your well-being and what to do to support yourself.

The Mental Health Impact of Dating Apps & Online Dating

Online dating and dating apps play a big role in the modern dating world, but many are beginning to wonder about the psychological effects and mental health impacts of this style of dating.  Are dating apps bad? No, dating apps themselves aren’t inherently bad. In fact, plenty of people have had positive experiences and have […]

Should the guy pay on the first date? And should the woman offer regardless? Or, is it best to split the cost fair and square down the middle?

Who Should Pay on the First Date? Modern Dating Customs Explained

If you’re gearing up to go on a first date after it’s been a while, you’re probably experiencing a few first-date jitters. For example, what will you wear? What will you talk about? And perhaps most importantly, who should pay on the first date?  The topic of paying on a first date can be an […]

Practical tips on how to introduce a new partner to your children after a divorce or separation.
Late Start

How to Navigate Introducing Your Children to a New Partner

Introducing your child to a new partner can be a tricky and emotionally sensitive situation, filled with questions like “How long to wait before introducing a new partner to children?” or “What if my child doesn’t react well?” It’s understandable to have concerns about how your child will respond and how the new love in […]

Just like giving a book a chance, trust the matchmaking process and keep reading after the first few pages.
From the Experts

How Matchmaking Relates to Reading – Tawkify Matchmaking Chronicles

Every Wednesday night, a girlfriend and I play tennis and then grab a margarita afterwards. As we enjoy our libations, our conversation often steers toward another shared hobby: reading. We’re both avid readers and discuss the book (or sometimes books) we finished that week and give each other recommendations.  I recently realized that this weekly […]

Discover the signs and symptoms of dating fatigue, and learn how to properly deal with it so you can start enjoying dating again.

Dating Fatigue – Yes, It’s Okay to Take a Break from Dating

Whether you’ve been going on dates for one month or one year, chances are that you’ve encountered a mix of feelings along the way, from excitement and giddiness to frustration or sadness. Let’s face it: Dating is an emotional journey!  After dating for a while, you might become tired or experience what is known as […]

13 Questions to ask your girlfriend that will uplevel your relationship - from deep and serious to fun and juicy.

13 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend as Things Get Serious

You did it. You finally found your person! Good on you! Congrats, stud, we all knew you could do it!! So… what now? There’s so much content out there about finding your perfect person, but what happens when you finally land them? Chemistry will only get you so far and finding out you both love […]

Dating Someone with Low Self Esteem - What to Know

Dating Someone with Low Self Esteem – What to Know

Dealing with someone with low self-esteem can be tricky at times, but dating someone who suffers from it can bring its own set of challenges.  Therefore, you might find yourself wondering, is it okay to date someone with low self-esteem? The answer is yes, it’s totally okay, but there are some factors you should be […]

Can dating and politics mix? You might think that red and blue can’t coexist, but what if we told you that there are ways to make dating someone with different political views work–and, dare we say, work well?

Should You Date Someone With Different Political Views?

Can dating and politics mix?  You might think that red and blue can’t coexist, but what if we told you that there are ways to make dating someone with different political views work–and, dare we say, work well?  These days, there are plenty of reasons to convince yourself that being with someone who leans too […]

Spice up your holiday season with a new flame! Discover helpful tips and insights for dating someone new for the holidays. From gift ideas to navigating family gatherings, our guide has got you covered. Read now for a merry and memorable holiday dating experience.

17 Tips If You’re Dating Someone New During the Holidays

The holiday season is supposedly the most wonderful time of the year—and that’s even more true if you’re single and looking for love. According to recent statistics, peak online dating season is between December 26 and Valentine’s Day, meaning that more people are actively looking for a partner during this time of year than at […]

Want to make sure your first date goes well? Here are seven tips that will help you have an enjoyable and successful first date
Start Dating

7 Tips for a Successful First Date

Dating has evolved – it is not as simple as it once was. As dating has changed, the advice around dating should be updated to keep with the times. It’s not all about pulling out a chair and getting reservations at a five-star restaurant. Being kind and generous may secure a date, but be sure […]

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