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Ask Renée: Unwedded & Over 50

Isn’t it interesting that when someone has never been married and is over a certain age, we’re inclined to wonder “What’s wrong with you?” But when someone is divorced and a certain age, we typically don’t wonder the same thing…


Dating Industry Broadcast I

The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast…


What Is “Manhood” To The Modern Man?

Manhood is loosely defined. The simple definition pinpoints qualities such as strength and courage as indicators of manhood. But…are we discussing a strong physical body or strength of character? Courage in the face of environmental danger or emotional grit…


Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest

But wouldn’t encouraging men to embrace the full range of their humanity benefit women? Why do we continue to limit the emotional lives of males when it serves no one?


“Casual Dating” Exposed

Dating with no intent to marry is like going to the grocery store with no money. You either leave unhappy or take something that isn’t yours…


Are You More Carrie Bradshaw or Bridget Jones?

Have you ever watched an episode of Sex And The City and thought, “Gosh! Carrie and I sure have a lot in common!” Perhaps in the last episode of Friends you caught, you felt akin to the charismatic Rachel Green. Or maybe, like the millions who watch Scandal, you feel a connection to the fierce Olivia […]


Are you more James Bond or Jerry Seinfeld?

After the success of the first What Kind of Dater Are You quiz – taken by over 500 unique visitors in the last week – we decided to create a quiz just for the gents as well. Discover which iconic bachelor you are most like with this fun quiz!  Enjoy! Team Tawkify



Dear sir, It has been brought to our attention that you have encountered difficulties while navigating the San Francisco dating scene. You find the process deeply upsetting, confusing, and ultimately unknowable. Your efforts to increase intimacy in order to mitigate your overwhelming sense of loneliness have been met with seemingly insurmountable obstacles such as…


What Did Your Parents Teach You About Relationships?

Countless studies indicate that our parents influence us in many ways – some we don’t even realize – in terms of how our perspective on adult relationships are formed. Are your parents together or divorced. In either case, were they happy with their decisions, or not so much… How about you?


The Origins of Hookup Culture

Last week, The Washington Post featured an article by John Birger discussing the prevailing culture of casual hook ups and its present-day mascot–Tinder. According to Birger, the sexualized dating culture is symptomatic of shifting demographics among college graduates. This supply-and-demand explanation only paints a partial picture, however. A deeper dive into American demographic data renders this “dating crisis” increasingly unnerving…

Is there such a thing as taboo topics on a first date? Learn to wade into "forbidden topics" without making either party feel uncomfortable.

First Date Conversations – Addressing Taboo Topics with Tact

Let’s talk about stuff we’re not supposed to, today! As times have changed, so have the approaches we take with what we choose to discuss with our friends, colleagues, families and prospective partners. Topics to avoid on a date aren’t always the most obvious, and some questions may feel as though they need answering earlier […]

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