All Dating and Relationship Articles

Do you feel like you always go to the same old date spots every time? Then turn to our date ideas in Tampa guide for some romantic inspiration!
Date Night

9 Unique & Romantic Date Ideas in Tampa (2024)

Even when you live in a city as thriving as Tampa, Florida, it’s easy to get in a rut going to the same date spots day in and day out. But if that’s the case, you’re doing you (and your date!) a disservice.  After all, Tampa has so much to explore, from its restaurant scene […]

Learn all you need to know about signs you’re compatible with your partner, from trust to shared interests to romantic chemistry—and more!

9 Early Signs You’re Actually Compatible

The early stages of a relationship are filled with excitement, joy, and, let’s be honest, a little bit of angst. Uncertainties abound about where this budding romance will lead and if the other person feels the same way you do. Plus, you just want to know if you’re right for each other. What seems so […]

A Broken Heart

How to Break Up With Someone (According to Experts)

If you feel like it might be time to break up with your partner, then you’re probably wondering how to go about it. For example, is it best to do it in person? Should you stay in touch afterward? And is it possible to remain friends?  Even if you know ending things is the right […]


Why You Should Consider Dating Outside Your Type

Don’t be a creature of habit. Break out of your dating routine and experience new people, new perspectives, and dating success. How to do it? Just date outside your type. Dating outside your type can bring many benefits to your romantic journey, from breaking negative cycles to discovering new things about yourself and focusing on […]

Asking someone out can be a little scary, but we’re here to help boost your confidence! Check out our guide for the best advice on how to ask someone out.
Start Dating

How to Ask Someone Out With Confidence

Few things are as nerve-wracking as asking someone out on a date. Not only does it involve putting yourself out there, being vulnerable, and potentially getting rejected, but with it often comes a racing heart, sweaty palms, and a major adrenaline rush. Yes, asking someone out can bring its share of jitters, but it’s also […]

What are the top signs of insecure women? Discover them right here so that you know what red flags to look out for in your relationship.

9 Signs of Insecure Women – Things to Look Out For

Everyone has some type of insecurity, whether it’s about a job, appearance, finances, and so on. A little bit of insecurity is normal, but when is it cause for concern in a relationship? It’s important to know what type of red flags to look out for when you’re dating someone. If you’re wondering if your […]

Want to make a great first-date impression? Our first-date etiquette guide covers all the best tips and tricks to help you leave a lasting impression.
Start Dating

How to Make a Good First Impression on a Date

When it comes to dating, making a great first-date impression is crucial if you want to score a second date. This involves putting your best foot forward and engaging in good behavior so your date sees you as potential partner material.  However, that might sound easier said than done. If you’re wondering how to make […]

Want to know the key to dating and relationship success? Aligning on relationship goals and values. Learn how to discover and define yours here.
Start Dating

Defining Relationship Goals and Values – Your Key to Dating Success

The most successful relationships are the ones founded on similar core values.  Yes, you can enjoy great physical chemistry, have similar love languages, and laugh at the same jokes, but the key element to a long-lasting relationship is sharing common relationship goals and values—because these are what guide you as a couple as you navigate […]

Tired of swiping, endless messaging, and dating fatigue? Learn from the Tawkify CEO how matchmaking services can bring you relationship success.

Inside Tawkify: An Exclusive Interview on Modern Matchmaking

If you’re tired of swiping, endless messaging, and the fatigue and frustration that can come with dating apps, it’s time to learn about the best matchmaking service in the biz. And who better to listen to than Tawkify CEO Kellie Ammerman? Kellie Ammerman was recently interviewed by Matt Seymour from Healthy Framework, a website that […]

Learn what not to talk about on a date for a lasting impression and ensure a smooth, enjoyable conversation.
Start Dating

What NOT to Talk About on a Date, According to Matchmakers

We’ve recently published a brief guide with suggestions for what you can talk about on a date. Key take-aways from that, in a modern world and with a suitable dating partner, might have led you to understand that the sky is practically the limit. We’re sticking to that, fervently, and adding to it here: with […]

Do you think your partner may be emotionally unavailable? Our guide on emotional unavailability unpacks it all so you can better understand how it impacts your relationship.

9 Signs They’re Emotionally Unavailable (& What to Do Next!)

You’ve probably heard of the term “emotional unavailability,” or maybe you suspect that you’ve experienced it for yourself in your current or past relationships. But what exactly is it?  Emotional unavailability refers to someone who struggles with expressing, handling, and responding to emotions. Someone who is emotionally unavailable has a difficult time getting close to […]

Looking for a more intimate setting for your next date? Check out our date ideas for introverts that will make you feel comfortable and allow your personality to flourish.
Date Night

9 Date Ideas for Introverts (Quiet & Intimate, Without the Stress)

Not all dates are created equal—just because one type of date works for an extrovert doesn’t mean it will work for their less socially-inclined counterpart. If you’re an introvert, and you’ve found that most of your date ideas have involved way-too-loud restaurants or been socially draining, this article is for you.  We’ve brainstormed some of […]

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