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Online Dating vs Traditional Dating – The Pros & Cons

Traditional Dating vs Online Dating - The Pros & Cons

When it comes to modern dating, the good news is that you have a lot of options, and the bad news is, well, you have a lot of options! Having a lot of choices is great because it can mean more opportunities for finding love, but it can also feel overwhelming trying to navigate the ins and outs of online dating vs. traditional dating. 

We often get asked the question: Is online dating good? We also get asked about our take on dating apps vs. real-life dating. While we’d love to give an end-all-be-all answer, we really can’t because everyone is different, and everyone’s experience with dating is different. For instance, someone might try online dating for one day and find their person, while another might swipe for months with no luck. 

Because everyone’s preferences and dating styles are unique, we’ve created a handy online dating vs. traditional dating guide to help you decide what avenue is best for you. 

Online Dating vs. Traditional Dating: Is Online Dating Better?

It depends. Online dating isn’t necessarily better than traditional dating, but there are some aspects to it that are more appealing to certain people. For example, if someone doesn’t have a lot of time to spend meeting people in public, they might appreciate online dating because they can swipe on the go. Or, if someone tends to be shy in social settings, online dating can help them make connections before meeting in person. 

That said, there are some drawbacks to online dating when compared to traditional dating. In fact, some have sworn off online dating entirely in favor of in-person dating. 

So, what approach to dating is best for you? Let’s look at some pros and cons of both.

The Pros of Online Dating

What are the pros and cons of online dating? Let’s start with the pros. Some pros of online dating include:

  • It’s convenient: Whether you’re riding the subway to work or lounging in the comfort of your own home, you can make connections right from your cell phone. There’s no need to get dolled up and go out on the prowl because you can meet new people, engage in conversations, and even plan your next date, all within the dating apps. 
  • It gives you access to a lot of singles: Dating apps provide you with a big pool of eligible people, which is a whole lot easier than sifting through the crowds at a bar or party trying to find fellow singles. You can read each profile and browse at your leisure, which is especially helpful if you’re dating after a divorce or a breakup and looking to ease into it. 
  • It’s great for shy people: If the thought of flirting with a stranger or introducing yourself to someone new makes you feel like you’re going to break out in hives, then online dating could definitely be a good avenue for you. On the dating apps, you can virtually exchange messages until you feel comfortable and confident enough to meet in person. 

So, is online dating good? And is online dating actually worth it? It can be! As long as you’re willing to be patient and put in the effort, you just might find your match. However, it’s important to be aware of some of the cons of online dating, too.

The Cons of Online Dating

While online dating has its perks, let’s discuss some of the limitations of this dating style:

  • It can be deceiving: Dating apps have their fair share of bots, fake accounts, and spam. Now, pair that with all the catfishing and ghosting, and it can be tricky to navigate between what’s real and what’s not. 
  • It can foster an unhealthy environment: People say and do a lot of things over the internet that they wouldn’t do in person, which means the dating app scene can become a toxic place. Some online daters receive abusive comments, threats, and even unwanted sexually explicit images. Naturally, this kind of toxicity can certainly take the fun out of your quest to find love. 
  • It can impact your mental health: Dating apps can lead to dating fatigue, making you feel sad, bored, uninterested, and unmotivated to continue the search for a partner. These feelings of defeat and disappointment can make it difficult for you to get excited about finding your perfect match and may even derail your efforts. 

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Pros of Traditional Dating

Now, let’s move on to the wonderful world of traditional dating, which refers to meeting people in the flesh vs. meeting over the internet. Some benefits of traditional dating include: 

  • You can instantly tell if you have chemistry: Instead of talking for weeks online and wondering if you’ll be compatible in person, meeting someone in real life allows you to suss out whether you feel connected and whether you have a spark. You can almost instantly determine if there’s a connection, meaning you won’t waste time talking with someone who isn’t ultimately a good fit for you. 
  • There are endless opportunities: The best thing about traditional dating is that you can literally meet someone new anywhere, like in the grocery store, on the beach, at a sporting event, at a coffee shop, or even at work. As long as you’re open and willing to meet people in public and strike up some conversations, you can foster low-key, low-stakes, low-stress encounters that could lead you to the love of your life. 
  • You can be yourself: When it comes to meeting people in person, you don’t need to be photogenic or a clever writer; you just need to be you. If your personality is your best asset and you do well in social settings, this could be the best option for you as it lets you play to your strengths.

Cons of Traditional Dating

Of course, there are some cons of traditional dating, too, so let’s consider some of the drawbacks associated with in-person dating. 

  • It can be time-consuming: Between going on in-person dates and putting yourself in social settings with the hopes of meeting someone new, this style of dating can take up a lot of your time. Unlike online dating that lets you swipe wherever and whenever, traditional dating requires making time in your schedule to physically meet people in person, whether that’s after work or on your day off.  
  • You need to be willing to put yourself out there: Traditional dating can be challenging for those who are shy about starting conversations with strangers. If you’re uncomfortable going to social events where you don’t know anyone or can’t fathom the thought of flirting with someone you met two minutes ago, you may find it difficult to find matches this way. 
  • You don’t have all their details upfront: Unlike on the dating apps where you get the full rundown on a match, from their age and political preferences to their career and religious views, you’re often getting a blank slate with traditional dating. While not knowing someone’s background can be a bit daunting as you’re basically going blind into the situation, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, as it’ll give you plenty to chat about on your first date! 

So, is dating in real life better than online dating? Again, it depends! If you enjoy being social and putting yourself out there, you could have more success dating in real life than on your phone.

Matchmaking: A Blend of Dating Apps and Real-Life

The missing piece that combines the best of both is matchmaking. Matchmaking is quite simple— there is no preset algorithm; it’s personalized individually. You tell your matchmaker what you’re looking for and then wait for them to arrange a date for you. Your matchmaker will do all the work of searching and pre-screening potential matches and only set you up with someone chosen specifically for you, who matches your goals and preferences.This approach to dating allows you to meet new people and find love without experiencing some of the setbacks associated with online and traditional dating. 

The Best Dating Options For You

We’ve discussed some of the pros and cons of dating apps vs. real-life dating and even introduced you to the idea of matchmaking, so now it’s time to find the best option for you. If you’re dating after a divorce or exploring the dating scene after a hiatus, we recommend exploring all three avenues to determine which best suits your needs and preferences. Make a dating profile, meet with a matchmaker, and ask your friends to introduce you to their single pals to help you cover all your bases! 

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