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12 Reasons Why Blind Dates Are a Good Idea

Are blind dates a good idea? Yes! Find out why going on blind dates can reduce dating fatigue, help you find meaningful connections, and give you the best chance at finding love.

For many people, the term “blind date” means something from the past, but what if we told you that blind dating is still a modern way of finding love? Blind dates can be some of the best ways to meet people without dating apps—but that’s only one of the many benefits! 

It’s true that blind dates make some people hesitate, so we’re here to cover why going on one isn’t as much of a risk as it is an incredible opportunity.

First, what is the blind date meaning? A blind date refers to a meeting between two strangers that is set up by a third party. For example, someone might set up two mutual friends on a blind date because they think they would be a good match, or maybe someone sets up their coworker with their sibling because of their shared interests. But that’s not all—there are even professional matchmaking services that plan blind dates between two compatible matches.

So, are blind dates a good idea? Let’s find out with these 12 reasons.

1. Blind dates are a great option if you don’t have time to swipe on dating apps. 

Let’s face it; dating apps take a lot of time and effort. When compared to going on a blind date, dating apps are much more time-consuming. You have to set up your profile, swipe through potential matches, and start conversations before you even set up a date. You could be spending hours each week on dating platforms—and that doesn’t even include actually going on dates!

Now, if we look at blind dating, all you have to do is show up. You get to cut out all that prep work and instead spend an hour or two enjoying time with someone new. 

2. Blind dates enable you to meet people without having preconceived expectations.

If you’re planning a date with someone you’ve met through a dating app, you’ve probably started making assumptions about them based on their appearance, hobbies, interests, or other details about their life. Even if you have a good feeling about them, you’re already making judgments and expectations based on their dating profile or how they’ve carried on a text conversation. 

Alternatively, when it comes to blind dates, you’re going into the meetup sight unseen. Aside from the fact that someone thinks you and the other person would be great for each other, you likely don’t have much more information. In turn, the person you’re on a date with doesn’t have any preconceived notions about you either, enabling both of you to approach the date from fresh perspectives and get to know one another in real time.

3. Blind dates are straightforward.

Think about it; you’re meeting a person who is equally interested in meeting you, and you are likely both on the same page about wanting to find your person. Because there are so many options with dating apps, it’s often hard to differentiate between those looking to casually date vs. those looking to seriously date

What’s more, you don’t need to worry about the person looking different than you expected or exaggerating certain details because you’re learning everything about them on the spot. No more super-curated profiles here—blind dates allow you to start from scratch, building your relationship as you go.

4. Blind dates provide a one-to-one connection. 

It can be difficult to have meaningful, intentional conversations and experiences when you’re juggling dating apps—especially when a lot of these chats aren’t happening in person. If you’re wondering, “Should I go on a blind date?” just ask yourself if you’ve been having purposeful interactions with people you’ve gone on dates with thus far. If not, go on that blind date, where you might experience that meaningful connection you’ve been missing.

5. Blind dates encourage you to date outside your type. 

Many dating apps let you filter potential matches based on certain factors, like interests, religion, or even physical traits. However, unless it’s a deal-breaker, these filters can really limit your dating pool and prevent you from matching with those who you might otherwise be compatible with.

Alternatively, letting someone else set you up on a blind date invites you to expand your horizons, giving you the opportunity to meet someone you might not have if the choosing was up to you. Dating outside your type can give you fresh perspectives, help you have new experiences, and lead to self-discovery.

With dating, it’s important to give people a chance, even if they’re unlike individuals you’ve dated in the past. You never know if it could lead to chemistry after your first date

6. Blind dates are an opportunity for more curated matches.

The beauty of going on a blind date is that the meetup isn’t just random. There’s a reason why the couple has been encouraged to get together. For instance, they might share similar personalities, relationship goals, dreams, values, or hobbies. Basically, there’s a commonality between them that suggests that they’d make a suitable couple.

Let’s take matchmaking, for example. Tawkify provides a blend between in-person dating vs. online dating—but instead of using an algorithm, our matchmakers find curated matches just for you. There’s no more swiping through hundreds of profiles in the hopes of finding someone who suits your preferences. All you have to do is rely on your matchmaker who is like a trusted friend, selecting like-minded people based on your goals, lifestyle, and preferences. The result? Hand-selected matches and planned dates that give you hope in meeting your person.

When you’re looking for a relationship, there’s no comparison

Tired of swiping with no real connections? Tawkify takes a fresh approach to the process. With handpicked matches tailored just for you and personalized introductions, we do the work so you can focus on what matters — meaningful connections.

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7. Blind dates help you meet people who share your relationship goals.

The purpose behind many blind dates is setting people up who share similar goals and oftentimes those who are looking for a long-term partnership. That means less time wasted sifting through profiles and texting convos to understand if someone is dating casually or seriously. With a blind date, you can assume that the other person is already on the same page. And if you’re not sure, just ask. 

8. Blind dates are a great way to jump back into the dating scene. 

Entering the online dating scene after being in a relationship can be overwhelming. And then add in the task of swiping through all those potential matches on dating apps? It’s no wonder that dating again can seem like an uphill battle!

Now, compare that to going on one blind date, and it doesn’t seem so scary. In fact, going on a one-on-one date with someone specifically chosen for you may feel more comfortable—and gratifying—than having to learn all the nuances of navigating dating apps. Not to mention, meeting people without dating apps may help you dip your toes back into the dating pool at a pace that feels right for you. 

9. Blind dates are less frustrating (and less deflating) than online dating.

Online dating can be mentally taxing. Dating fatigue is real! 

But blind dates can be refreshing experiences compared to the frustration of online dating. And even if you don’t meet the love of your life on your first blind date, you’re likely being paired with someone who is at least a solid match. These better-targeted dating experiences are more rewarding than scrolling through profiles and sending messages that may lead nowhere. So, are blind dates a good idea? If you’re feeling dating burnout, give blind dating a try.

10. Blind dates can be more exciting than online dating. 

Blind dating is pure anticipation. You get to meet someone specially selected for you by someone you trust, sight unseen. Yes, there are nerves, but it’s exciting to think about who this person will be! Even if you don’t make a love connection, you at least know that the person you’re going out with will be someone worth meeting. 

11. Blind dates encourage you to meet people in person.

People spend a lot of time on dating apps, but research shows that 17% of men and 24% of women haven’t met anyone in person at all for a date. There’s a reason why people feel like online dating is more like making pen pals than actually going on dates!

Blind dates, on the other hand, are usually set up in person. You can see your date, get to know them, and then decide if you want to go on a second date. Blind dating encourages you to get offline and meet people in real life, which can not only help you feel more confident in your interpersonal skills but also trims the time and effort it takes to get to know a potential love interest. 

12. Blind dates can lead to lasting love. 

If you’re still wondering, “Do blind dates work?” just remember that they can be an effective way to find your forever person. Blind dating doesn’t come with many of the pitfalls of dating apps, such as unmet expectations, burnout, or people stretching the truth about who they are or what they want in a relationship. It’s a simple and intentional way to find love. 

But you don’t have to just take our word for it: Check out these matchmaking success stories from real couples who have discovered long-term romance through blind dating on Tawkify. Learn more about the refreshing nature of the matchmaking process and how Tawkify can help you find love through our proven blind-date format.

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