A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup X

Who says you can’t be friends with someone you’re attracted to – you can. And who says you have to have sex with everyone you’re attracted to – you shouldn’t…

If you’re going through a nasty breakup, then now is the perfect time to focus on ways to love yourself again. Follow our guide for 10 self-love tips to help get you on the right path.
A Broken Heart

10 Ways to Love Yourself Again After Ending a Relationship

Dealing with a break-up can be a doozy. After all, it can do a number on your self-confidence, making you doubt everything about yourself and even feel like you’ve lost a sense of yourself along the way.  Yes, getting out of a relationship and getting over a breakup can be tough, but it doesn’t have […]

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup VIII

Relationships aren’t fun. They’re an inherently not-fun thing you do with someone whom you often have fun with. Just as light is both a particle and a wave, lasting love is a choice as much as it is a feeling…

A Broken Heart

The Art Of Not Knowing

“Failure is the condiment that makes success taste so good.” –Truman Capote Capote’s words speak to many aspects of life–but I quote him today as we take a closer look at the art of not knowing in relation to dating and finding love…

A Broken Heart

To Reject & Be Rejected

Rejection. At some point, we all have to dish it out–and we all have to take it. In matters of the heart, rejection is an even scarier monster. But why are we so afraid? Dr. Glenn Croston, author of “The Real Story of Risk,” attempts to answer this question in his recent article, The Thing We Fear More Than […]

A Broken Heart

Ask Renée: I’m Just Not Meeting People

Q: “My problem is not that I don’t encounter attractive people or individuals that catch my attention. My problem is that I’m shy and I don’t really know how to approach people I don’t know. Any suggestions?”—Katy R.

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup V

A 2013 Gallup Poll indicated that while most Americans hoped someday to marry–if they hadn’t already –as many as 25% had no interest in ever doing so, concluding that marriage’s popularity is…

A Broken Heart

Is It Right Or Is It Wrong?

Since we’re in the professional matchmaking business, we run into a lot of different people with interesting stories about their past relationships. Something that we try to remind them is it’s one thing to be in a relationship–it’s something else entirely to be in one that is right for them…

A Broken Heart

Friends Without Benefit

Toxic friends. Whether we want to admit it or not, all of us have had at least one. We have covered unhealthy romantic relationships before, but what about unhealthy platonic relationships? What are some of the indicators of an unhealthy friendship? LifeHack recently published a thorough list of indicators…

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