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Honesty Box: Your Worst First Date Ever

Team TawkifyTeam Tawkify
Team Tawkify
(Updated )
4 min read

Part audition, part interview, part gauntlet. No one seems to be overly fond of the unavoidable first date. Of course, without it, there’d be no seconds, or thirds, or marriages or children. So that’s that. Unless you have a Tawkify Matchmaker to “go on” all of your potentially terrible first dates for you when they screen potential matches, you’re just stuck, we’re afraid.

Besides the pressure of choosing the right place, wearing the right thing and talking about all the right stuff, what’s the big deal, anyway. Suffice it to say, first impressions are, indeed, quite lasting and our first date feedback loop definitely bears this out.

A recent post from Thought Catalog featured a slew of some, let’s just say, less-than-best first date impressions. Here are a few that made us utter, “Wow. Just wow.”

Mallory, 21
“I got set up on a blind date with my ex. It was through a friend that didn’t know we dated (and ended on terrible terms) so needless to say the date didn’t last long. I never tried another blind date again.”

John, 33
“I had been talking to this girl for a few weeks and she finally asked if I wanted to get together on a Saturday afternoon. I happily agreed, even when she asked me to wear a suit. I figured it was odd, but thought we were going somewhere fancy, which I was excited about. We were not going anywhere fancy at all. We were going to her aunt’s funeral. She told me she needed someone with her but knew if she told me I would’ve said no. Obviously I would have liked a little heads up on it, so I spent our entire first date meeting her weeping relatives at a funeral.”

Gia, 23
“This guy tried to be really sweet and surprise me by taking me to a book signing by a well-known author because he knew I was a big reader. The problem was that the well-known author was my awful ex who cheated on me and nearly ruined my life. I didn’t want to be mean to my date so when we pulled up I told him I was really hungry and would rather go eat, because I didn’t want to get into the story. He got really upset and said I was unappreciative and he would rather just take me home. I was going to explain it, but he was being such a jerk at that point, I just chalked it up as a loss and moved on.”

Needless to say, we’re thinking none of these stellar starts evolved into further dates. And it’s likely that you — like most of us on Team Tawkify — have had your fair share of first date misses. Like most unpleasant relationship mishaps, we usually learn from our cruddy first date experiences how to avoid potential repeats. So, don’t be shy–tell us your own first date horror story!

By all means, get it out. And know that you won’t be alone. We recently hit the streets to ask random passers by to tell us their worst first date stories… on camera. And we got an earful. Look for our upcoming #CurefortheCommonDate series on YouTube and in this blog… because misery loves company, right?

If you happen to actually be the unfortunate soul that plans terrible dates, there is help. Atlas Obscura offers up a plethora of fabulous ideas and venues in your city– just pick any of them and throw out whatever plan you have already made. Verlocal is another great date planning tool as well. You have no excuses now.


Team Tawkify

Photography by Vivian Maier

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