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How To Achieve Work-Life Wellness

Marisha DixonMarisha Dixon
Marisha Dixon
(Updated )
1 min read
There really is no such thing as work-life balance. Hyper focusing on one area of life will lead to neglect in the other.

If you ask me, there really is no such thing as work-life balance. Hyper focusing on one area of life will lead to neglect in the other. Instead, I believe it’s best to aim for work-life wellness, which is simply when one incorporates practices that lead to healthy, happy performance in each life domain.

On this episode of Tawk To Me, my guest is Alex Wehrley, a national TV host, best known for hosting the Miss USA telecast in 2015 and the founder of @Empowerista, a movement and community to empower women’s confidence and careers! Alex shares her advice about how to live well so you can be your best in work, love and life. 

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