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Dating Industry Broadcast V

Team TawkifyTeam Tawkify
Team Tawkify
(Updated )
4 min read


The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast.

The Dating Industry Broadcast series in inspired by The Staggering Research On Choosing Mates, in which Tawkify Co-Founder, E. Jean Carroll, collected the latest research on our trade and blasted it out to the whole team.

Enjoy this month’s scoop!

YALE NEWS, Do political beliefs affect online dating? Q&A with political scientist Gregory Huber, 2/24/2017:

It is a truism that politics makes for strange bedfellows, but there is evidence that it also makes for normal bedfellows.

Research shows that married couples on average share similar political beliefs.

Political scientists and sociologists have sought to understand what drives this homogeneity. Do people seek partners who have similar political beliefs? Do couples’ political views coalesce over time? Are shared politics a side effect of other factors, such as shared religious beliefs?

A recent article in the Journal of Politics by Gregory Huber, Yale professor of political science, and Neil Malhotra, a professor of political economy at Stanford University, offers fresh insight into these questions.

They conducted two studies — one involving a survey using manipulated online dating profiles, and another using a trove of data from an online dating service —that measure people’s attitudes before they form relationships. The researchers found evidence that people are more inclined to seek dating partners who have similar political characteristics as them but that other factors, such as religion or race, are more significant in determining relationships than political similarity.

Huber, a resident fellow of the Institution for Social and Policy Studies and the Center for the Study of American Politics, recently spoke to YaleNews about his work…See the full article at Yale News.

OK, we know this isn’t about humans…but matchmakers of all kinds are of interest on Heartalytics!

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, How a ‘Cheetah Matchmaker’ is Helping Save the Big Cats, 2/21/2017:

You could call Vincent van der Merwe a cheetah matchmaker.

He maintains a studbook of the big cats, which helps pair together compatible mates. If two cheetahs from an isolated group mate, they may have unhealthy offspring. But if he couples two cheetahs from distant populations, they’ll likely produce strong cubs. His mission is to rebuild diverse, genetically healthy populations of the vulnerable animals throughout their African homeland…See the full article at National Geographic.

THE ECONOMIST, Lovestruck Britons are losing $50m a year to dating-site con artists, 2/18/2017:

Last year online-dating swindles cost Britons a record £39m, according to the City of London Police. Six out of ten victims are women and two-thirds are between the ages of 40 and 69.

Britons are particularly vulnerable to such honeytraps. In Europe, only the Swiss spend more per person on online matchmaking services, according to Leading Dating Sites, a market-research firm. The English language makes Britons accessible to con men around the world. They are fond of online shopping and banking, so making electronic payments to strangers is second nature. They may even be unusually susceptible to hard-luck stories: Britain is the top-ranked European country in the World Giving Index, a measure of generosity produced by the Charities Aid Foundation…See the full article at The Economist

FORBES, Are Office Romances Too Dangerous?, 2/24/2017:

Love is grand. Love is also a confounding riddle, and sometimes, a real pain in the neck. These realities are magnified when that love sprouts in the workplace, where a host of complications come into play.

“The major problem with (dating someone at work), and I’ve seen this time and time again, is that if you both want to stay at the job and you both love the job, it’s a lose-lose situation,” says Clampitt, “because either you’re dating and then eyeballing every single thing that the other person’s doing – “oh, you talked to her, you talked to him. What were you doing?” – or it doesn’t work and then you have to hide behind corners and avoid the person.”

If a workplace relationship carries the complexity of different ranks—two people at different levels of seniority? If the relationship doesn’t work out, the partner of greater status could potentially take steps to have the other party leave the company. On the other hand, should the tryst be discovered by coworkers, the more senior of the two would be in hot water…See the full article at Forbes.

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