All Dating and Relationship Articles

Traditional Dating vs Online Dating - The Pros & Cons
Late Start

Online Dating vs Traditional Dating – The Pros & Cons

When it comes to modern dating, the good news is that you have a lot of options, and the bad news is, well, you have a lot of options! Having a lot of choices is great because it can mean more opportunities for finding love, but it can also feel overwhelming trying to navigate the […]

When it comes to relationships, money can raise a lot of questions. If you’re dating someone who makes less money than you, follow our guide for advice.
From the Experts

Ask The Experts: Should I Date Someone Who Makes Less Money?

Money isn’t exactly the sexiest of topics, but it does play a big role in the dating world. After all, the presence–or absence–of financial security can significantly impact a couple’s future.  So, let’s say you’ve managed to set yourself up for monetary success, but you’ve started dating someone who makes less money than you. You’re […]

The truth about dating a shorter man. See if dating a shorter guy is right for you with our pros and cons list.

Pros & Cons of Dating a Shorter Man – Understand it All

When it comes to the dating world, short guys often get, well, the short end of the stick. There’s a lot of stigma around dating shorter men, but it’s not all rooted in fact. Sure, some short guys lack confidence or fixate on their height, but there are actually a lot of benefits to dating […]

Need some inspiration when it comes to fun date ideas in Chicago? These new and unique ideas are sure to impress your date!
Date Night

12 Unique & Fun Date Ideas in Chicago (2024)

Chicago is an incredible city with so much to do, but it’s easy to get into a rut when it comes to brainstorming date ideas. Maybe your go-to first date spot has begun to feel a little lackluster lately. Or perhaps you and your partner are tired of hitting up the same haunts every Friday […]

Look no further for the best date ideas in DC, where you can paddle on the Potomac, visit a speakeasy, and midnight bowl–all in one evening.
Date Night

11 New Date Night Ideas in DC (2024)

Washington, DC is a city like no other–it’s where history and government meet incredible art, culture, and culinary adventures. Whether you live here or are visiting for a weekend away with your love, you might be looking for date ideas in DC that aren’t your run-of-the-mill dinner and a movie (but hey, we love that, […]

Dating a strong, independent woman? Follow our guide to learn what to expect and how to approach a relationship with her.

How Dating is Different for Strong, Independent Women

What does an independent woman want in a relationship? She wants just what any other woman wants: an honest, loving, and supportive relationship. And she dates just like other women: She searches for a compatible partner, dedicates time and effort to growing the relationship, and hopes for a future together. The only difference is that […]

Discover why confidence is attractive and more important than looks. Learn why humble confidence is key to success when it comes to dating.
Start Dating

Why Confidence is Attractive (& More Important than Looks)

I am quite sure we have all met an outwardly beautiful person, who became less attractive, in our opinion, if their personality was unpleasant, unkind, or toxic. Just as a person we hadn’t really noticed at first became alluring if they were charismatic and exuded confidence. Have you ever seen a handsome guy or girl […]

Being ghosted can be hurtful and confusing. Learn why it happens and how to deal with it with our tried-and-true tips.
A Broken Heart

Being Ghosted – What it Means & How to Move On

From love bombing to situationship, there is a lot of modern dating lingo to keep up with. But one that you should definitely understand is “ghosting.” What is being ghosted, and how do you deal with it if it happens to you?  We’re here not only to talk about this unfortunate situation and what it […]

Breaking up and moving on from a relationship can be tricky. To help, we’ve created a helpful guide with eight tips on how to get over an ex.
Start Dating

How To Move On From An Ex – 8 Tips To Getting Over Ex

No matter if it was a mutual split or drama-filled mess, breakups can be tough. Even if you know deep down you don’t belong with your ex, you still might find yourself thinking about them or obsessing over what could have been. After all, you dedicated a lot of time and energy to that relationship, […]

Rejection isn’t easy, but learning how to reject someone nicely can make the conversation a little bit less awkward.
A Broken Heart

How To Reject Someone Nicely – Polite Ways To Turn Down Dates

Rejection: There’s no easy way to do it. Being rejected can feel hurtful, but it’s definitely not comfortable to be the one breaking the news. But you can learn how to reject someone nicely so that you can end things on a good note.  Follow these tips on how to politely reject someone so that […]

Whether you’re interested in dating a single parent or you are the single parent, we’ve created a handy guide with some tips on how to date when children are in the equation.
Late Start

How To Date Single Moms, Dads, Or As A Single Parent

Dating is exciting and a little confusing at times. But add kids into the mix, and it can get even more confusing. However, that’s not to say dating single parents isn’t possible. In fact, it’s quite the contrary; you just may have to take a little extra care when negotiating the dating scene.  So, how […]

Dating is hard, but it’s not impossible. Our guide to modern dating sets you up for success in 2023 and beyond.

Modern Dating – A Guide to Dating in 2024

Modern-day romance is a beautiful, wild world. Dating has always been evolving, with new terms, etiquette, and avenues for meeting people seemingly every day. Pair a constantly changing dating culture with a post-pandemic world and you have yourself a modern dating swirl of uncertainty.  While there isn’t a how-to for dating–your romantic journey is completely […]

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