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From the Experts

Non-negotiables vs. Preferences When Dating, According to Expert Matchmaker

Your inquiry: seeking early-mid 30s, athletic, skier, independently wealthy, highly emotionally available and intelligent, 6ft +, never married, amenable to having children soon. Must have a terminal degree. Must speak English, French, and Mandarin. Christian, but should not be a church go-er. Apolitical, bi-racial preferred. Should have a strong relationship with family. No emotional baggage. […]


3 Maxims For A Mindful New Year

Late Friday night I took an unconventional approach to ringing in the New Year. I grabbed a few things to keep warm, snack-on and write with for a 48-hour silent meditation retreat in the desert…


The 3 Sexiest Words Anyone Can Say

When the Good Men Project published The Sexiest 3 Words a Man Can Say to a Woman it stirred up some buzz. Newly minted Heartalytics contributor, Christine Hart, picked up the beat over a radio show and shares her take on the story…

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