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First Date Advice for those who are planning for their first date with someone new. This may be your first time going on a first date in a long time or perhaps you are seeking expert advice on how to land the second date. This advice for first dates will help you navigate through the dating journey, ultimately leading to relationship success.

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6 Perfectly Good Reasons to Date Multiple People

Last week, Tawkify Director of Operations, Julia Armet, sent out an article that created some buzz within the Tawkify team: 6 Perfectly Good Reasons to Date Multiple People — wherein Date Report writer, Scott Alden, suggests it’s peachy keen to date multiple people at once. I happen to agree — as did many of our matchmakers, and Tawkify Co-Founder, E. Jean Carroll…

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Dating Instruction Roundup VII

Unconditional, radical acceptance of each other — regardless of what anyone else thinks — may create deeper intimacy than socially-constructed commitments…

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Matchmaker Alyssa Bunn’s First Date Manual

Nearly everyone feels nervous when going on a first date. Your anxiety might be mild or massive. A few – or many – butterflies are bound to appear when you’ll be spending time with someone you don’t know well (if at all). So, we must keep in mind that dating is a process…

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Solo Trip Series: Boston

Our very own wander woman, Olivia Balsinger, will detail her own solo travels across the globe as a model for us to follow. Enjoy (and take note) as she details tips on lodging, food, activities and even a little history…

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Reconnect: A Retreat For Men

Lauren Korshak and her colleague, Jon Glancy, are the founders of a progressive retreat designed to confront the challenges the modern man faces. I sat down with Lauren to get the inside story on her brainchild called, Reconnect…

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Solo Trip Series: A Baltic Seabourn Quest

Welcome to the Solo Trip Series — where we encourage independence, inspire wayfaring and embolden singletons to shake off their shackles and hit the road! Our next stop? A 7 day journey through the Baltics aboard the glamorous Seabourn Quest…

Asking someone out can be a little scary, but we’re here to help boost your confidence! Check out our guide for the best advice on how to ask someone out.
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How to Ask Someone Out With Confidence

Few things are as nerve-wracking as asking someone out on a date. Not only does it involve putting yourself out there, being vulnerable, and potentially getting rejected, but with it often comes a racing heart, sweaty palms, and a major adrenaline rush. Yes, asking someone out can bring its share of jitters, but it’s also […]

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