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From the Experts

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: How To Write A Great Profile

A reader recently asked for guidance on how to write a great Tawkify profile. Who better to pose this question to but our Matchmakers — who read a myriad of profiles daily, their clients’ as well as potential matches for their clients’…

From the Experts

Kauai Through Local Eyes

Sometimes you learn the most about a destination because you let yourself be vulnerable and live enough in the moment to meet someone who can share a local perspective…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: To Tell or Not To Tell

The relationship with your matchmaker is unlike any other in your life. There is trust, respect, camaraderie–yes. But, you are not friends in the traditional sense. You are working together to achieve a very serious and important goal…so what does that really look like…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: How To Be Single

Melody Kiersz, NYC Tawkify Matchmaker and Founder at Naked Wellness, circulated Mate-Seeking: The Science of Finding Your Best Partner out to the team last month on a hunch we would find it intriguing. There’s is a lot of “meat” to both Sean Braswel’s NPR story and Jeb Kinnison’s analysis of it that we thought the greater populace might benefit from…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: If You’re Feeling Defeated

Let’s trust ourselves and turn our backs on those who don’t. Let’s breathe fire and magic together. Let’s burn your stupid fucking questionnaires and scorecards to ashes, and then let’s fly through the blustery wind together, brilliant and perfect and terrible. Let’s never live under that mountain again…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: The May-December Romance

These tidbits of insight usually end up being funny and informative- and everyone can benefit from a little extra matchmaker expertise! You can find this series tagged as “Matchmaker Says,” if you would like to read more. A recent reader came to us with a topic that films, books and researchers have examined for decades – […]

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: Why I Love This Job

Two weeks ago Director of Tawkify Operations, Julia Armet, shared some of her from the trenches matchmaker secrets. We asked her what qualities made a matchmaker great, and she responded with: > “A great Matchmaker is persistent, accountable, communicative, compassionate, > nurturing, creative, and thrives under pressure.” This week, we thought you might like to hear directly from the talented group of love makers that embody these traits. We asked a couple of our matchmakers, “What do you love about this job?”… 

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: Lisa Yanni Revealed

This week’s Matchmaker Says is all about the talented and beautiful Lisa Yanni! Last week, Lisa was featured in The Evening Tribune in an article authored by Jason Jordan, focused on unconventional careers. Like many of our matchmakers Lisa came to us from several (seemingly) unrelated fields–teaching and IT recruitment…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: When Should You Call?

Question: When should I talk to a woman after a great date? Matchmaker Radha says: That’s a great question. My answer to you would be simply that every date is different, and that every person is different as well. There are so many silly rules out there – such as waiting three days to contact someone after a date in order to not appear too eager. I personally believe that there should be no hard and fast rules when it comes to making contact after a date. If the date went really well…

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