Chloe Mulliner

Chloe Mulliner

Chloe Mulliner is an experienced writer and editor who covers topics related to love and relationships, technology and insurance, and everything in between. When she’s not typing away on her laptop, you can find her rock climbing, camping, or hanging out with her 18-pound cat, Leonard.

    Are you looking for signs of a healthy relationship? Our dating guide covers ten green flag examples you can look for in your own relationship.

    Relationship Green Flags: 10 Signs They’re a Keeper!

    You’ve probably heard of red flags. You know, the signs in a relationship that ought to make you run for the hills—or at least reassess your situation or partner. Red flags are often warning signs, as they signal you might be in a toxic or unhealthy relationship. For example, a red flag might signify that […]

    Finding unique date spots in Seattle can be tricky, but we’ve got you covered. Check out our favorite date ideas in Seattle just for you!
    Date Night

    Seattle Date Ideas: Fun and Unique Experiences for Two

    Whether you’ve been dating someone for two weeks, two months, or two years, date night is important. After all, it’s a time you both dedicate to spending time together and enjoying each other’s company.  That said, it’s easy to get in a rut when it comes to coming up with date ideas in a city […]

    Wondering when to propose? Check out these ten signs you’re ready to propose to help you decide if now’s the time to pop the big question.

    The Right Time to Propose: 10 Signs You’re Both Ready

    If you and your partner are in love and think you might be ready to settle down with each other, then you’re probably wondering when to propose.  But before you get down on one knee, we suggest reflecting on your relationship and ensuring marriage is the right move for you and your partner.  To help, […]

    Dating over 50? Check out our guide with the best tips for dating over 50 to help you find your best match!
    Late Start

    Dating Over 50 and Beyond: Exploring New Possibilities

    If you’re dating over 50, all hope is not lost. Whether you’ve recently gone through a divorce, become widowed, or simply haven’t found “the one” yet, you still have endless opportunities to find love! Yes, you might be a tad older than the last time you were looking for love, and the dating scene might […]

    Real Tawkify couples, Michael & LaSonya, discuss how their matchmaking experience helped them find love, in this Tawkify Testimonial.

    Happily Ever After: Michael & LaSonya | Tawkify Testimonial

    If you’re interested in learning about the Tawkify experience, you’ve probably researched the matchmaking process and even looked up Tawkify reviews. And while that can certainly give you a feel for what to expect from our services, nothing is quite as helpful as hearing from real Tawkify couples.  And that’s where Michael and LaSonya come […]

    Asking yourself questions like, “Why am I not marriage material?” Or "how can I become marriage material?" Follow our guide for advice!

    Are You Marriage Material? 8 Signs You Could Be

    When it comes to dating, oftentimes, marriage is the end goal. But you don’t want to tie the knot with just anyone; it’s best to find someone who you consider marriage material.  What is marriage material anyway? It refers to the traits that make someone a viable match and a committed life partner. Someone who […]

    Are you tired of hitting up the same old date spots in Houston? Check out our list of the top 12 date ideas in Houston for some inspiration!
    Date Night

    12 Creative & Fun Date Ideas in Houston (2024)

    If it’s up to you to plan date night, why settle for the same old place you go every time? When it comes to a city as exciting and vibrant as Houston, Texas, there’s so much to explore and experience outside your stomping grounds.  Need some inspiration? You’re in luck. We’ve rounded up some of […]

    Looking to try virtual dating for the first time? Our guide covers our top virtual dating tips to help put you on the path toward success.
    Start Dating

    Virtual Dating Do’s and Don’ts: 8 Tips for Dating Success

    Virtual dating is often something that’s associated with the global pandemic when everyone was hunkered down inside and unable to go out and meet people in person. However, virtual dating has actually occurred long before (and long after!) the days of lockdown.  What exactly is virtual dating? It’s simply the act of meeting and interacting […]

    It’s not always easy to find closure after a breakup. This handy guide will help your healing journey with tips on how to get closure.
    A Broken Heart

    How to Get Closure After a Bad Breakup – Moving Forward

    Getting over a past relationship and finding closure after a breakup can be challenging. It doesn’t matter if your relationship was toxic with abusive patterns or seemingly perfect; you may find yourself going around in circles, feeling angry, confused, sad—or all of the above. And you’re probably wondering what went wrong, how you could have […]

    What are the telltale signs of relationship trauma? Recognize and heal from the effects of an abusive partner.
    A Broken Heart

    11 Signs of Relationship Trauma (And What it Means)

    Relationship trauma is a serious consequence of a toxic, unhealthy relationship. It refers to the physical and physiological effects that stem from being in a sexually, physically, or emotionally abusive relationship. In fact, the abuse can be so severe that it triggers relationship PTSD or post-traumatic relationship syndrome (PTRS). What causes this kind of relationship […]

    Whether this is your first or 50th date, sometimes you need some inspiration! Check out our top 11 date ideas in Los Angeles that are sure to impress this summer.
    Date Night

    11 Best Los Angeles Date Ideas for Summer 2024

    There can be a lot of pressure associated with planning a date in Los Angeles. Of course, you don’t want to look like you tried too hard, but you also don’t want it to seem like you didn’t put enough effort in. Basically, you want to strike a balance between showing how much you care […]

    Are you ready to find the meaningful, lasting relationship you've been searching for? Start by dating with intention!

    Dating with Intention—It’s Time to Stop and Get Serious

    A lot of terms get thrown around in the modern dating world, and one that’s recently been going around is the concept of “dating with intention.” Whether you heard it referenced in a podcast or the term is entirely new to you, we’re here to unpack it all for you.  First, let’s start with the […]

    Get Started Toward Your Last First Date

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