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20 Things to Do If You’re Single on Valentine’s Day (2024)

Make being single on Valentine’s Day fun and inspiring with these 20 fantastic options for things to do.

Contrary to what society tells you, couples don’t have a monopoly on Valentine’s Day. Singles can enjoy the day, too! If you find yourself single on Valentine’s Day, you’re in the right place. We’ve got 20 of the best ideas for things to do if you’re alone on V-Day, from hosting fancy dinners to volunteering to even smashing things (more on that later). 

While it can be helpful to find quotes about being single on Valentine’s Day, why not spend your time doing one—or a few—of these options? Keep reading to learn how to make today your day.

1. Throw a Pajama Party

Channel your inner child and throw a pajama party, where everyone comes dressed in their favorite or wackiest sleepwear. You could even have a contest for most outrageous getup! Have your guests bring fixings for a nightcap or another nighttime drink, like herbal tea or hot chocolate. 

2. Plan a Wine and Cheese Night

Whether you’re planning to be alone on Valentine’s Day or spending it with friends, this is a great time for a wine and cheese night. Fill your shopping basket with new cheeses or old faves, plus a bottle of something fun, then head home for an indulgent evening that will make you feel like you’ve been transported to Italy. 

3. Pamper Yourself with a Solo Spa Night

Being single on Valentine’s Day means that you should go above and beyond to spoil yourself. Tonight, you’ll have a date with your self-care staples: bubble bath, face mask, body scrub, essential oils, and a cup of tea or a glass of wine. You can even order an at-home spa kit from your local skincare boutique or a big-box beauty store.

4. Take a Day Trip

Is there a nearby town you’ve been wanting to visit? If so, now’s the time to do it. Take yourself on a trip somewhere where you can spend the day and/or evening exploring. 

5. Video Chat with Far-Away Besties

As we get older, it’s common for friends to move away for families, jobs, educational degrees, or the chance to see a new part of the world. If you have far-away friends or family, why not give them a call on Valentine’s Day? Schedule a video chat with your group of friends from college or plan a one-on-one call with your best bud or your sister or whomever you need to hear from today. 

6. Attend a Single’s Event

If you’re single and looking for things to do on Valentine’s Day, try using the day as a way to find your person—but without the pressure of a traditional date night at a restaurant. Research singles’ events in your area for a fun way to meet people! Many cities have singles-only events on Valentines Day, like speed dating, singles’ nights at bars or clubs, and so on. 

7. Buy Yourself Flowers

Picking up a beautiful bouquet from the store or your local flower shop is sure to boost your spirits if you’re alone on Valentine’s Day. Plus, this can help set the tone for the future: There’s no need to wait for someone else to gift you flowers; be empowered to treat yourself!

8. Settle in for Dinner and a Movie

This one’s simple: Order takeout from your favorite restaurant and watch a nostalgic movie. Sometimes there’s nothing better than dating yourself, complete with a night of tasty food and your favorite film.

9. Avoid Social Media

Being single on one of the most romantic days of the year can be difficult—and even more so when you’re bombarded by lovey-dovey posts on social media. Do yourself a favor and avoid all the social apps today, instead filling your time with the things and people you love.

10. Host a Fancy Dinner Night

Just because you might be single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean that you can’t have your own fancy dinner. Bring the white tablecloths and candlelit dining to you! Invite friends and family over for “fancy dinner” night, where everyone comes dressed to the nines and brings one item for a multicourse meal. Set the table with name cards, napkins, candles, and rose petals to set the mood, and cheers everyone to friendship.

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11. Get Lost in a Story

Take your mind off of being single by playing your favorite video games, reading a novel, or binge-watching a show. Getting lost in a story is a great way to pass time and helps you focus on something else.

12. Plan a Fun Vacation

February is a great time to start planning a trip in the coming months, so why not schedule your vacation planning for V-Day? Start researching dream destinations, flights, and dates that you can take off of work. Maybe by the end of the day you’ll have a trip on the books!

13. Be Kind to Yourself

If you find yourself single on Valentine’s Day and wishing for romance in your life, you’re not alone. But don’t let wishful thoughts turn negative. Counteract any negative self-talk by finding ways to love yourself:

  • Write yourself a love letter
  • List all of the things you’re good at or are proud of
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud what physical traits you like and why

The kinder you are to yourself, the more you’ll be able to be single and happy.

14. Volunteer Your Time

While every couple is heading out for their romantic experiences and dinners for two, you can give back to your community. Schedule time with a charity you’ve volunteered with before or find a new organization that you haven’t helped out with yet. Some volunteer-oriented things to do on Valentine’s Day include spending time with people in assisted living facilities, serving food at a soup kitchen, and lending a hand at an animal shelter.

15. Offer to Babysit for Your Friends/Family

Volunteering your time isn’t just reserved for charity organizations; you can also donate your time and energy to friends or families who have kids. Offer other parents in your life the opportunity to go out on V-Day while you babysit their children. You could even plan at-home date ideas, kids edition, with a fancy finger-food dinner! The parents, the kids, and even you will have a fun night to remember. 

16. Get Out in Nature

Outdoor date ideas aren’t just for couples. Take yourself on a solo outdoor adventure (or with a friend by your side) to experience nature’s beauty. Go on a hike, walk around your city at night, or go stargazing. Being outside and feeling the fresh air on your face can be invigorating and help you reset.

17. Cross an Item Off Your To-Do List

While this might not be the most enticing single-on-Valentine’s-Day idea, it will help you feel accomplished. If there is anything that you’ve been avoiding on your to-do list, now’s the time to stop procrastinating. Has “clean the oven” been on your list for weeks? Have you been meaning to set up a website for your new side gig or get your taxes in order? Maybe you keep seeing your cluttered closet and promptly shutting the door. Whatever you’ve been putting off, accomplish it today.

18. Let Out Your Feelings at a Smash Room

Still harboring hard feelings about your ex? Let it all out by breaking stuff (no, not in your own house). Find your nearest venue for breaking things, sometimes called a smash room, break bar, or rage room. These places provide all the tools you need to channel your inner rage, handing you a baseball bat or similar object and providing a room full of things to be destroyed. We bet you’ll feel on top of the world after a smash sesh!

Dog-ear this option as your next adventurous date idea with a new love interest or your best buddy.

19. Play Rom-Com Bingo 

Gather a group of friends (you can also play this virtually), pick a rom-com, and play a round of bingo. Create the bingo cards ahead of time with quotes, scenarios, or plot points that are predictable in romantic movies, crossing each one off until someone yells “bingo!”

This can also be a Valentine’s Day date idea for two, but you’ll have just as much fun playing this with your pals.

20. Pretend Like It’s Just Another Day

When you’re alone on Valentine’s Day, sometimes the best thing to do is just act like it’s any other day of the year. Go about your business today, whether it’s a work day or a weekend, following your normal routine. 

This can help you realize that being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a big deal. It can be yet another day of loving yourself and finding the beauty in everyday life.

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