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Preparing for a Blind Date – Everything You Need to Know

The last decade was a massive turnover for dating overall. Since the first apps started an online revolution, most people will say that going on a date became so simple and easy. There are so many choices, possibilities, and options. Well, as much as it seems simple and easy it is also terrifying at the same time. And once you add “blind” to date, intimidation expands.

People, by nature, love to feel comfortable and to feel safe. But unfortunately, dating often brings us outside our comfort zone, and blind dating takes us one step further. So how can you be prepared and comfortable when you go unprepared for an uncomfortable situation? 

Rule #1: Feel amazing 

How you feel about yourself is the way others will think of you. So dress comfortably but at the same time dress to impress! The first impression is essential, so take time on the day of the date and do your hair, try a couple of outfits, enhance your beauty, and walk into a date fully confident about how amazing you are! 

Rule #2: Be on time

You feel and look fantastic and are on your way to meeting your date! Do not be late!! It is a blind date. The person that is meeting you does not know anything about you, so show your respect by showing up on time or even a bit earlier. Time is the most valuable asset, and respecting someone’s time sets a positive tone from the start.

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Rule #3: Be open-minded

You made it on time, looked terrific, met your date, and at first glance, your date is not precisely what you were expecting. Well, for a blind date, leave expectations at home. Instead, take off dating glasses, be open-minded, and try to get to know the person sitting next to you. We all have our deal breakers and strong preferences regarding who we want to date. But put your needs before your preferences. If you need someone to make you smile – that is his sense of humor, not that he is 6’0 tall. If you need someone to understand and value you, that is her sense of compassion, not that she weighs 130 lbs. 

Rule #4: Remember to smile

You came on time, still looking fabulous, realizing you like your blind date but questioning if you are navigating the conversation in the proper direction. Well, there are two essential and simple things to implement in exchange: smile and ask questions. Smiling is a powerful weapon so use it as much as possible! Keep the conversation light and playful; for every question your date asks, you ask two questions back. It will keep the conversation flowing, and you will not be caught talking only about yourself through the night.

Rule #5: Leave a little mystery

We are close to the end of the date. You implemented all four rules, made the connection, and relished your blind date. How to end it? I love telling my clients to be slightly mysterious during blind dates. Reveal about yourself enough to keep the conversation and to make your date intrigued by you. No matter how much you relish the date, give it two to two and a half hours max. Keep the spark and leave your date curious and intrigued by you. There are numerous articles on if you should kiss or not kiss on a first blind date. The kiss is not something you should or shouldn’t do. The most important thing is to be aware of the vibe around you by the end of the date, and sometimes you just go with the flow. Kiss or no kiss, leave your date smiling, show warmth, and let them know you had a good time!

You will never be fully prepared for the blind date since you don’t know what to prepare. But monitor your date’s body language; whatever you do, be confident and comfortable in it. Remember that there are two of you on that blind date and the other side is often equally terrified and confused as you are. So bring out positivity, fun, curiosity, and open-mindedness, and you never know; maybe this blind date will be your last first date!

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