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Matchmaker Minute: Ditch The Screen

Marisha DixonMarisha Dixon
Marisha Dixon
(Updated )
2 min read

As a follow-up to the Tawk To Me interview with Paul C. Brunson (author of It’s Complicated (But It Doesn’t Have to Be): A Modern Guide to Finding and Keeping Love), Marisha Dixon is back for a quick “Matchmaker Minute” with fellow Tawkify Matchmaker, Alyssa Bunn, to offer some extra tips on how to find love in all the right places.  


The gals chat about dating sites/dating apps — and mostly how you’re better off ditching them altogether. 

Highlights from this matchmaker minute…

Matchmaker Alyssa Bunn says:

Get out in the world. Get off the screen. 

Say hello on the street corner. Say “hi” in the line at Whole Foods. This makes for more authentic relationships. It’s a beautiful thing. 

When you put yourself out there, especially spontaneously, you get uncomfortable. And when you’re uncomfortable, you grow — and with that growth comes confidence..and when you’re confident, people pick up on that. People want to be around people that are confident, and sure and certain. 

And when you’re certain, you’re less liable to leave room for doubt, right? And you’re less liable to let the ones come into your life that shouldn’t be there…

You develop a more quality network. 

It’s not always pretty. it’s not always exciting. It’s not always flawless (it’s actually never flawless), but we learn. We learn to really appreciate people that are unlike us…so we realize “the list” isn’t all that important after we put ourselves out there and gain a little perspective. 

Special thanks to Marisha & Alyssa for this Matchmaker Minute!

Learn more out Alyssa Bunn, Professional Matchmaker at Tawkify and Founder of Love & Co!

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