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Dating Industry Broadcast X

Team TawkifyTeam Tawkify
Team Tawkify
(Updated )
4 min read


The “dating scene” has radically evolved in the last 5 years alone. Have you felt the impact of these changes on your dating life? The only certainty is that this pattern of transformation will continue. What does this mean for the modern dater and how does dating and technology intersect? Get the scoop on what’s new in the dating industry with our monthly Dating Industry Broadcast.

The Dating Industry Broadcast series is inspired by The Staggering Research On Choosing Mates, in which Tawkify Co-Founder, E. Jean Carroll, collected the latest research on our trade and blasted it out to the whole team.

Enjoy this month’s scoop!

USA TODAY, OKCupid bans white supremacist from dating service, 8/17/17:

Dating service OKCupid says it has banned a white supremacist for life. And it’s asking its members to report other OKCupid members who belong to hate groups. OKCupid joins a growing corporate backlash against neo-Nazis in the U.S. after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. Technology companies that once tolerated white supremacists are now booting them from their services…Read the full article

NEW YORK POST, How dating has become a full-time job, 8/17/17:

Last week, Justin Schweiger, a project manager based in Washington, DC, achieved viral infamy when he scheduled six consecutive dates in the same bar. The women ended up accidentally bumping into each other, then angrily ditched the guy and hung out together instead. The group left him with the tab.

Lisette Pylant, a 26-year-old office manager who was one of Schweiger’s dates that night and tweeted the play-by-play, tells The Post that the revolving-door approach erases people’s humanity. “With online dating, it’s very easy to fall into that idea that this person isn’t real. I haven’t met this person so I don’t owe them anything,” she says…Read the full article

MASHABLE, This guy’s amazing Tinder profile is a PowerPoint sales pitch, 8/16/17:

Biswas himself is pretty familiar with online dating, having been on it for seven years before deciding to revamp his profile. “There’s plenty of good looking people on dating apps…its really tough to stand out on photos alone. So many profiles mention ‘food, travel, family, brunch'”, he told Mashable.

“I’ve been on and off online dating for the last 7 years and I figured throwing up some new pics was worth a shot and worst case scenario, send a couple smirks to strangers. Lots of people don’t even read the text or swipe to a second picture unless you catch their attention, which I guess is what I was going for.” The best part? Biswas’ new profile has gotten him 10 times more matches than usual…Read the full article.  

REFINERY 29, What It’s Like To Date As A Muslim Woman, 8/10/17:

As much as I love sharing my dating stories, there are a lot of experiences that I haven’t had. That’s why, as part of It’s Not You, I’ll be talking to people with a broad range of experiences to see how things are different — and how they’re the same. This week, I spoke with Suraya*, a 27-year-old Muslim woman living in Chicago. 

“I live in Chicago, and I live in this great neighborhood, so I meet people all the time. And you’re going to meet men — men who are not Muslim. And you know it’s difficult because I do see that men do want to start flirting with me. So, you think, Wow I also find this man interesting and intriguing. Yeah, dinner doesn’t sound like a bad idea. And then, eventually, you’ve got to say, Oh shit, is this my boyfriend? Are we dating? How did this happen?! I wanted a Muslim!”…Read the full article

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