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Tawkify Success Story: Finding Your Forever Person

Learn how two people took their love to great heights in this Tawkify success story.

If you’ve been on the fence about matchmaking, you’re in the right place. 

Reading Tawkify reviews are helpful, but sometimes you need to hear from real couples about their experiences. Thankfully, Maureen and Craig sat down with us to reminisce on their dating story and matchmaking journeys. You can read their Tawkify success story right here.

The Choice for Tawkify

Like so many people who have tried dating apps, Maureen started feeling dating fatigue. She had tried the swiping game, but became increasingly worn out by all the effort with little reward. So, Maureen committed to being single for a while. But her desire to meet someone and start a family spurred her to give dating one more chance. And that’s when she saw a Tawkify ad on Instagram.

For Craig, matchmaking had always been an option in his mind. He had a friend who used to be a matchmaker, and he always thought it was fascinating and knew he wanted to try it someday. After taking time with texting, swiping, and sending long, elaborate messages before even meeting someone, Craig realized that dating apps didn’t fit his lifestyle. So, when he saw a Facebook ad for Tawkify, he knew he needed to give it a shot. 

Their Tawkify Journeys

Craig and Maureen had different experiences with their Tawkify journeys. Craig actually had several matches before he met Maureen. And through it all, he had a positive outlook on the process. His matches got better every time, and he knew he had to “just stick with it.” Then, his matchmaker reached out, saying that she had a new client who she thought would be a good match. (Cue a soon-to-be Tawkify success story.)

Though he had gone through a couple of experiences with Tawkify before, he still felt nervous to meet someone new. But his confidence was boosted by the fact that his matchmaker, who he knew and trusted, had already met and vetted this person. “I felt confident in my matchmaker,” Craig said. 

Maureen was a little hesitant to start the Tawkify process, only because the matchmaking experience requires an investment of time and money—and she wasn’t sure it would work. She soon realized, though, that it would be a positive experience. “It was so nice to have someone to talk to about what I wanted and needed. The matchmaker was committed to finding the man of my dreams,” Maureen said. Craig was Maureen’s second (and last) match on Tawkify.

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Their Instant Chemistry

In their Tawkify testimonial, Craig and Maureen enjoyed recalling their initial meeting, which involved their matchmaker setting them up on a blind date. Maureen liked the element of surprise and found that it required her to be more vulnerable because she had to trust their matchmaker. But that didn’t keep her from being nervous. All she knew was that Craig would be wearing a polka dot shirt and jeans.

Their matchmaker planned the first date at Culinary Dropout, a lively restaurant and social hangout spot in Tempe, Arizona. Craig was afraid that he wouldn’t make a great first impression because he was running late, but Maureen’s patience and graciousness made him feel at ease. He was immediately attracted to her smile, sense of humor, and personality.

Maureen’s first impression? Once she saw the man in the polka dot shirt, she was smitten. Craig’s energy, positivity, and good looks drew her in immediately. They talked for hours and soon found that they had many similarities, like their lifestyle, how they grew up, and their love for their families. “Everything just clicked instantly,” Maureen said.

Even though it was only Tuesday and they both had early mornings the next day, after dinner, Maureen and Craig walked to a piano bar, where they stayed up late dancing and singing. They didn’t even think about their 5:30 a.m. wakeup calls. Time just flew by. 

A Love Taken to Great Heights

For many real Tawkify couples, knowing that the other person is “the one” might not happen until later. And the same is true for Maureen and Craig—but they both knew that they found keepers right off the bat. Both of their “I’m in love” moments happened around the same time: during the holidays. “When I saw how she interacted with my family, I knew,” said Craig. Similarly, Maureen saw how well Craig blended with her family, which solidified the love she knew she had for him. 

But feelings of love were sprinkled in before that moment, too. In fact, when they made their relationship official during a destination date in New York City, Maureen didn’t realize that her love (and fear of heights) would be tested. 

Craig decided that they should fully experience NYC, which, for him, meant booking a skyscraping adventure through City Climb at Hudson Yards, the world’s highest open-air building ascent. What Craig didn’t know is that Maureen is deathly afraid of heights. But Craig was right behind her the entire time, even when they looked out over the edge of the 1,200-foot building. “It was a great moment to share that vulnerable experience with him, and it took our relationship to new heights,” Maureen said.

After months of memorable dates, Craig proposed on St. Patrick’s Day—a wonderfully emotional day surrounded by friends and family. 

Why Tawkify Worked for Them

Maureen and Craig might not have found each other if not for Tawkify. Their busy lifestyles made dating apps difficult, so finding a partner through a matchmaking service was the key to a fruitful dating experience. The difference between matchmaking vs. dating apps is clear to the couple. They both agree that outsourcing the search for a partner to a matchmaker was the best thing they could’ve done. “Tawkify fit dating into my lifestyle,” Maureen said. “I believe matchmaking is a great option if you want to find someone.” 

From aligning on family values and work ethics to discovering that they have equally good senses of humor, Maureen and Craig couldn’t have asked for a better match. How did they get so lucky? Here are their tips for people who use Tawkify:

  • Trust the process. You might not meet your mate on the first match.
  • Vocalize your needs and wants with your matchmaker.
  • Be honest with yourself about your values and communicate those to your matchmaker.

Craig and Maureen’s Tawkify success story can be yours, too. Learn how Tawkify works, read more Tawkify success stories, and sign up today to complete your romantic journey.

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