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Does Tall, Dark, Handsome and Aloof sound about right?

Team TawkifyTeam Tawkify
Team Tawkify
(Updated )
2 min read

If you find yourself continually attracted to emotionally unavailable types, check out, “We’ve got to stop procrastinating in unavailable relationships,” and tell us what you think.

Why do we sometimes (or always) seek out relationships with people who exhibit clear signs they aren’t “available enough” for a relationship, and are most likely not going to give us what we want or need to be happy in a relationship?

Why would we commit to a person who doesn’t want to commit, and why do we find that sort of thing attractive in the first place?

Why are some people at their most ‘available’ and vulnerable only when enmeshed in a relationship with an unavailable person?

Have you ever been in a relationship where you feel like you’re doing pretty much all of the work, and you feel like you just can’t seem to “scratch beneath the surface” with that person emotionally? Do you tend to stick around, even when there’s really no future–no matter how much you want to believe otherwise?

If any of the above resonates with you, or you’d like to share your thoughts and insights, please do!


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